Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Koleksiyonu
Güncel Gönderiler
Analysis of the short-term and long-term impacts of the coronavirus crisis on international climate policy
(2022)Koronavirüs pandemisi nedeniyle tüm dünyada çok sayıda geniş çaplı önlemler alınmıştır. Hükümetlerin koronavirüsü kontrol altına alma girişimleri diğer önemli politika alanlarının ihmal edilmesine neden olmuştur. Özellikle ... -
Aydınlanmacı mutlakiyetin özel bir türü olarak Josephinizm ve Joseph Freiherr Von Sonnenfels’in Josephinizm’e katkısı
(2024)This study is about Enlightened Absolutism, which has profoundly influenced contemporary European society, from its political system to its social institutions, and Josephinism, the authentic version of Enlightened Absolutism ... -
Apartheid suçları ve etnik ayrımcılık: İsrail örneği
(2024)Israel's response to the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023, which includes practices that could be considered genocide and massacres, has led to serious global debates on the concept of apartheid regime. This ... -
Bir gravür üzerinden Cânibî Ali Paşa’nın Viyana’ya alayla girişinin detayları
(2024)The entry of Ottoman envoys into the imperial capital Vienna by parade was carried out on a specific day and according to certain rules of ceremony, following the negotiations of the envoys with the Kaiser's officials ... -
PKKda kadın teröristlerin rolü ve örgüt içi cinsel istismar
(Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 2021)Terör örgütleri mevcudiyetlerini devam ettirebilmek için sürekli yeni elemanlar devşirmeye muhtaçtırlar. 20. yüzyılda kadının toplumsal hayattaki ve iş hayatındaki rolünün artmasının da etkisiyle terör örgütleri kadınları ... -
Avrupalı aktörlerin Barış Pınarı Harekâtına karşı politikalarının analizi
(SAVSAD Savunma Ve Savaş Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022)Türkiye’nin Suriye’nin kuzeyini terörist unsurlardan temizleyerek güvenli bölge oluşturmak, mültecilerin geri dönüşünü kolaylaştırmak, bölgede DEAŞ’ın faaliyetlerini engellemek ve PKK/YPG’nin hareket alanını kısıtlamak ... -
From “Economic Consequences” to the “Personal Impact” Frame: Representation of Turkey in the German media
(Cambridge Scholars Press, 2016)The relationship between Germany and Turkey has a long history and a unique character due to the strong political, economic, and societal connections between the two countries and two-way migration flows. Ebbs and flows ... -
Turkish foreign policy towards the Arab spring: Between western orientation and regional disorder,
(Routledge Taylor Francis Group, 2017)Turkey’s foreign policy approach towards the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been predicated on an integrationist vision through cooperation and dialogue over the past decade. The Arab Spring significantly ... -
Deutschlands rolle beim flüchtlingsabkommen der Europäischen Union mit der Türkei – Eine zäsur in der Deutschen Türkei-Politik?
(Peter Lang, 2017)[Özet yok] -
With or without Turkey? The many determinants of the official German position on Turkey’s EU accession process
(Nomos, 2019)Germany and Turkey are unique partners which are tied to each other by means of a complex interdependence in economic, political and societal spheres. This spans from trade and direct investment partnership and regular ... -
German-Turkish relations – intermestic, interdependent, intricate
(Nomos, 2019)In recent years the German-Turkish dialogue has been increasingly becoming subject to German, Turkish and European political, academic, public and media debates. The bilateral relationship has been in fact attracting ... -
Germany’s domesticated European Policy: Implications for the EU and Turkey
(Nomos, 2019)The relations between Germany and Turkey are deep-rooted, multidimensional, and intricate. The uniqueness and intricacy of the bilateral dialogue between the two countries largely stem from the continuous rollercoaster ... -
Current trends and future prospects for EU–Turkey relations: Conditions for a cooperative relationship
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)This chapter summarizes the key insights derived from a three-dimensional perspective on EU–Turkey relations that combines the analytical lenses of (1) theories and concepts, (2) institutions, and (3) policies. It furthermore ... -
Unpacking the new complexities of EU–Turkey relations: Merging theories, institutions, and policies
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)This chapter presents the rationale, objectives, and structure of this volume and introduces the reader to the new complexities that epitomize EU–Turkey relations. To this end, it provides a set of guiding questions for ... -
The European Council as a key driver of EU–Turkey relations: Central functions, internal dynamics, and evolving preferences
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)With its central functions and wide-ranging activities within the political system of the European Union (EU), the European Council has turned into the key EU institution in framing and shaping EU–Turkey relations. Since ... -
The implications of the refugee crisis for Turlish German relations: An analysis of the critical ebbs and flows in the bilateral dialogue
(Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 2018)This article analyses the implications of the refugee crisis for the scope and key features of the relationship between Turkey and Germany and defines the critical ebbs and flows that Turkish-German bilateral dialogue has ... -
Entegre sınır yönetimi ve frontex ile ilişkiler bağlamında Türkiye'nin AB ile harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonu
(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2022)Türkiye’nin sınır yönetimi konusunda AB ile harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonunun sınırlarını ve belirleyici faktörlerini Entegre Sınır Yönetimi (ESY) sisteminin uygulanması ve AB Sınır ve Sahil Güvenlik Ajansı (FRONTEX) ... -
Türkiye’de siyasi partiler ve Suriyeli mülteciler: Zorlu 10 yılın analizi
(İletişim Yayınları, 2022)[Özet yok] -
Turkish–Balkan interactions: Impact of historical legacy, global (Dis) order, and agency
(Springer, 2022)In 2020, as the world was trying to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of climate change including numerous floods and forest fires seemed to have come to a truly alarming point. Both the global health crisis ...