Güncel Gönderiler: İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 219, listelenen: 41-60
Deutschlands rolle beim flüchtlingsabkommen der Europäischen Union mit der Türkei – Eine zäsur in der Deutschen Türkei-Politik?
(Peter Lang, 2017)[Özet yok] -
With or without Turkey? The many determinants of the official German position on Turkey’s EU accession process
(Nomos, 2019)Germany and Turkey are unique partners which are tied to each other by means of a complex interdependence in economic, political and societal spheres. This spans from trade and direct investment partnership and regular ... -
German-Turkish relations – intermestic, interdependent, intricate
(Nomos, 2019)In recent years the German-Turkish dialogue has been increasingly becoming subject to German, Turkish and European political, academic, public and media debates. The bilateral relationship has been in fact attracting ... -
Germany’s domesticated European Policy: Implications for the EU and Turkey
(Nomos, 2019)The relations between Germany and Turkey are deep-rooted, multidimensional, and intricate. The uniqueness and intricacy of the bilateral dialogue between the two countries largely stem from the continuous rollercoaster ... -
Current trends and future prospects for EU–Turkey relations: Conditions for a cooperative relationship
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)This chapter summarizes the key insights derived from a three-dimensional perspective on EU–Turkey relations that combines the analytical lenses of (1) theories and concepts, (2) institutions, and (3) policies. It furthermore ... -
Unpacking the new complexities of EU–Turkey relations: Merging theories, institutions, and policies
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)This chapter presents the rationale, objectives, and structure of this volume and introduces the reader to the new complexities that epitomize EU–Turkey relations. To this end, it provides a set of guiding questions for ... -
The European Council as a key driver of EU–Turkey relations: Central functions, internal dynamics, and evolving preferences
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)With its central functions and wide-ranging activities within the political system of the European Union (EU), the European Council has turned into the key EU institution in framing and shaping EU–Turkey relations. Since ... -
To be, or not to be in formalization: the relationship between HR practices and work engagement in the aviation industry
(2024)Purpose – This study aims to examine the moderating role of formalization in the relationship between human resources (HR) practices and work engagement (WE) in aviation industry employees. The research revealed the ... -
The implications of the refugee crisis for Turlish German relations: An analysis of the critical ebbs and flows in the bilateral dialogue
(Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 2018)This article analyses the implications of the refugee crisis for the scope and key features of the relationship between Turkey and Germany and defines the critical ebbs and flows that Turkish-German bilateral dialogue has ... -
Entegre sınır yönetimi ve frontex ile ilişkiler bağlamında Türkiye'nin AB ile harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonu
(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2022)Türkiye’nin sınır yönetimi konusunda AB ile harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonunun sınırlarını ve belirleyici faktörlerini Entegre Sınır Yönetimi (ESY) sisteminin uygulanması ve AB Sınır ve Sahil Güvenlik Ajansı (FRONTEX) ... -
Could size ceilings make the TBTF regime more effective?
(Peter Lang, 2023)The world is undergoing a global transformation that affects every individual as well as businesses and economies. Climate change, rising poverty and inequality, scarcity of resources, global warming and corporate governance ... -
Bir exit beklemiyorduk
(2016)İngiltere’deki Brexit referandumu sonuçları pek çok kişi için şaşırtıcı oldu. İngiltere’nin Avrupa Birliği (AB) ile yollarını ayırması ihtimali üzerinde çok konuşuldu, spekülasyonlar yapıldı. Ancak sonuçların yüzde 52 ... -
İslami finans kurumlarında kadın çalışanlara yönelik tutumun cam tavan sendromu bağlamında analizi
(2015)Tarım toplumundan sanayi toplumuna geçiş ve teknolojik ilerleme gibi önemli dönüşümlerin etkisiyle, uzun ve çetin mücadeleler sonunda kadınlar ücret karşılığı çalışma imkânına kavuşarak iş gücü içerisindeki konumlarını ... -
Costs and benefits of the EU enlargement: The impact on the EU and SEE countries
(Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 2012)he south-eastern enlargement of the European Union will be the sixth enlargement since the establishment of the European Community in 1957. This research uses the gravity model to analyze the factors that have an influence ... -
The determinants of purchase intention for environmentally sustainable apparel: An extended theory of planned behavior
(Shaker Verlag, 2023)[Özet yok] -
A cross-sector comparative analysis of a multidimensional framework of value creation through big data
(Peter Lang, 2023)In our world, where information and communication technologies are reshaping and continuing to shape every field, it is clear that enterprises that can follow the flow of information, grind the information they collect in ... -
Digital challenges and strategies in a post pandemic world
(Peter Lang, 2023)The Covid-19 pandemic has not only affected the health and life of people around the world but also many areas such as the economy, the way of doing business, working life, the education sector, the urban life, and ... -
Multinational enterprises, sustainability and innovation
(Sustainability, 2023)In recent decades, multinational enterprises (MNEs) have increasingly endeavored to establish foreign direct investments (FDIs) across the globe. Consequently, they must face diverse and differential sustainability ...