Analysing the debates at the Turkish parliament during the Kosovo conflict (1998-1999): Impact of geography, history and identity
Demirtaş, B. (2019). Analysing the debates at the Turkish parliament during the Kosovo conflict (1998-1999): Impact of geography, history and identity. David vs. Goliath, Nato’s War against Yugoslavia and Its Implications içerisinde 190-204.Abstract
The Turkish foreign policy towards the conflicts in the former
Yugoslavia was carried out in cooperation with its Western allies. However,
as different from its policy during the Bosnian War, Turkey assumed a more
careful attitude with regard to the Kosovo issue. During the Kosovo War,
Turkey did not undertake any guardianship role for the Kosovo Albanians to
the extent that it had done for the Bosniaks during the Bosnian War. Different
dynamics had an impact on Turkey’s Kosovo policy, its internal problems, the
Cyprus issue, Balkan diaspora in Turkey and the presence of the Turkish
minority in Kosovo. The presentation will provide an analytical overview of
Turkey’s approach towards Kosovo based on the proceedings of the Turkish
Grand National Assembly. During that period Turkey was mostly governed
by coalition governments. How the governing parties and opposition parties
reacted to events in Kosovo during the parliamentary sessions will be analysed
through conceptual frameworks. The perceived Ottoman history, the existence
of “relative communities” and the Turkish minority, and the fear of the spread
of the Kosovo issue to neighbouring countries became important factors
affecting the construction of the Turkish foreign policy. The presentation will
examine the proceedings of the Parliament in 1998-1999 focusing on concepts
like “Ottoman legacy”, “identity”, “interest”. It will analyse how Turkey’s
commitments to the Western alliance, how its identity construction as a
regional power and how its political, economic and cultural interests became
effective in the formulation of Turkey’s attitude towards the conflict in Kosovo.