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  • Öğe
    Video on-Demand Platforms: A Preliminary Study on Preferences and Prospective Binge Behaviour
    (Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Ketan, Işıl; Dreyer, Alexander; Meydanoğlu, Ela Sibel Bayrak
    The advancement and dissemination of information communication technologies (ICTs) has changed the means, patterns, and quality of media consumption; and video on demand platforms (VOD) have become the norm. “Binge watching” has become a prevalent phenomenon in the age of on-demand media entertainment. In this paper we investigate which VOD platforms are preferred by Turkish consumers and what are the social motivation factors that lead to frequent (binge) watching behaviour. We find that most of the viewers used VOD platforms on a daily basis or at least 3-4 times a week. The respondents’ greatest motivation for using VOD is that platforms can be accessed whenever wanted, films can be picked up from any point, are ad-free and compatible with most electronic devices. Individuals tend to make the most use of VOD when they are with their partners. With respect to binge or frequent watching, 40 % of users in our sample stated that they show dependency behavior (dependency and misuse). © Peter Lang GmbH.
  • Öğe
    (International Association for Hydrogen Energy, IAHE, 2022) Görüryılmaz, Mehmet Turan; Özenler, Sibel; Zeytuncu, Bihter; Karatepe, Nilgün
    Polybenzimidazole (PBI) membranes are highly sought after for HT-PEMFCs due to their thermal stability, mechanical strength and protonic conductivity. In this study, PBI polymer and the membranes were synthesized for HT-PEMFC applications. Then, the polymer was characterized by using NMR and TG analyses. All the characteristic peaks were observed in the NMR results and PBI polymer decompose around 550 °C. After the synthesis, pristine and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) supported membranes were prepared, doped with phosphoric acid and characterized by using TGA, FT-IR, XRD, SEM and EIS tests. The characteristic bonds of the polymer for both undoped and doped membranes were seen in FT-IR results. XRD results showed the semi-crystalline structure of the polymer. SEM results enabled to observe the homogeneous dispersion of the MWCNTs within the membrane. Finally, EIS tests were carried out in anhydrous conditions. The conductivities were obtained for pristine PBI membrane as 0.0518 S/cm, 0.0667 S/cm and 0.0895 S/cm, respectively. For the 0.5wt% PBI/MWCNT membrane, they were calculated as 0.0401 S/cm, 0.0586 S/cm and 0.0613 S/cm for 120 °C, 140 °C and 160 °C, respectively. For the 1wt% PBI/MWCNT membrane, slightly higher conductivities were obtained as 0.0429 S/cm, 0.0621 S/cm and 0.0655 S/cm for the temperatures 120 °C, 140 °C and 160 °C, respectively. © 2022 Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    The Decision of the Turkish Constitutional Court on the Peace Petition: An Analysis in the Context of Freedom of Expression, Academic Freedom and the Concept of Loyalty to the State
    (Turkish Medical Association, 2020) Ergün, Reyda; Özenç, Berke
    In this paper, Turkish Constitutional Court’s decision on the individual application of Zübeyde Füsun Üstel and Others, which is an important turning point in the legal struggle of the signatories of the petition titled “We will not be a party to this crime”, is examined in the context of freedom of expression, academic freedom and the concept of loyalty to the state. Within this framework, firstly, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Turkish Constitutional Court regarding freedom of expression were summarized and the method of exa-mination used by the Constitutional Court in Zübeyde Füsun Üstel and Others case was discussed. Secondly, due to the close relationship of the case of Academics for Peace with academic freedom, the discussions on academic freedom within international human rights mechanisms, especially in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights was examined in detail, and it was argued that the Constitutional Court developed a new jurisprudence in this context. Thirdly, the dissenting opinions on the case were analyzed with a special focus on the concept of loyalty to the state used by the judges dissenting from the decision of the majority as an indicator of their mindset. The analysis concluded that the dissenting judges regarded themselves rather as protectors of the interests of the state than as the guardians of the rule of law and human rights. The discussions on the judicial independence and impartiality in Turkey were also taken into consideration for the analysis. © 2020, Turkish Medical Association. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    The relationship between sectoral distribution of female employment to economic growth and its reflection on political process
    (Peter Lang AG, 2019) Altinbaş, Selcen; Ertürkmen, Gülferah; Dertli, Gül
    With the shift of production from agriculture to the industrial sector, females who participated in labor as "unpaid family workers" in agriculture sector until the 1950s in Turkey tried to find their place in this new sector by migrating from rural to urban areas. Economically, it is important that females who were "invisible" being spatially restricted to home and supplied their labor within these boundaries, are included in the labor market by providing the necessary qualifications for production with this development. Considering that economic growth is directly related to the labor used in production, the employment of females has various consequences for economic growth. The aim of this chapter is to analyze the relationship between female labor and economic growth, and to investigate whether the outcome is politically supported by the regulations in the policy-making process. The relationship between female employment and economic growth will be discussed according to the sectoral distribution for the period between 1991 and 2016. The relevance of female employment to economic growth in the political sphere will be evaluated on the basis of the legal regulations made during the years under analysis and the government development plans covering the period. The contribution of this chapter to the literature is expected to be twofold: updating past literature with current data and providing a multidimensional analysis of female employment through economic and political analyses. © Peter Lang AG 2019.
  • Öğe
    The Impact of Blockchain on the Marketing Mix Elements: A Literature Review
    (Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Meydanoğlu, Ela Sibel Bayrak; Teodorescu, Margareta; Klein, Müge
    Although digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, monetary systems and the financial sector are commonly known application areas of blockchain, its impact goes well beyond these areas and it has a potential to revolutionize transactions in various fields such as education, energy, stock markets, insurance, healthcare, public services, as well as communications. Although its application in marketing is still in its infancy, marketing can also be defined as an important potential application area for blockchain. Advantages of using this technology such as cost reduction due to disintermediation, tokenization of tangibles/intangibles, increased efficiency due to smart contracts, secure payment opportunity, authentication of transactions by verifying customer data are some strategic reasons for utilizing this technology also in marketing. The purpose of this conceptual, exploratory study is to discuss the potential impact of the blockchain technology on marketing activities and, in particular, on the traditional marketing mix elements (product, price, place and promotion), based on previous related studies in the relevant literature. Despite the increasing interest in the potential and advantages of blockchain applications in the marketing literature, to our knowledge the impact of this technology on marketing activities and strategies has not yet been considered in terms of marketing mix elements. From a theoretical perspective, the contribution of this study is to fill this gap in the literature. From a practical perspective, its contribution is to show marketing practitioners the role of blockchain technology in determining the strategies regarding the marketing mix elements. © Peter Lang GmbH.
  • Öğe
    The confusion over the terminology of sustainable, ESG, socially responsible and impact investing
    (Peter Lang AG, 2024) Çatak, Çiydem
    Although they have different meanings, the terms "sustainable investing", "socially responsible investing", "environmental, social and governance investing" and "impact investing" are often used interchangeably in the literature. This study aims to expand knowledge about these concepts by reviewing previous literature. It defines the differences and areas of convergence between these different investment approaches while drawing clearer boundaries between them. One could say that sustainable investing is an umbrella term that covers all these forms of investment. Environmental, social and governance investing (ESG) refers to the process of measuring a company's environmental, social and governance activities in the context of traditional financial indicators. Financial returns are the main objective of ESG investing. On the other hand, socially responsible investing (SRI) involves the selection or exclusion of investments based on certain moral standards. Impact investing is about giving investors the opportunity to invest in a company or organization that adds social value and thus creates an impact. © 2023 Peter Lang Group AG, Lausanne. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Spatio-temporal pedestrian accident analysis to improve urban pedestrian safety: The case of the eskişehir motorway
    (Gazi Universitesi, 2015) Kaygisiz, Ömür; Yildiz, Ahmet; Düzgün, Şebnem
    Determining pedestrian accident hotspots on road segments is a crucial part of the pedestrian safety assessment as it is used to prioritize problematic parts of a road network for in particularly planning and implementation strategies. Moreover, the spatial pattern of the pedestrian accidents may change over time due to several factors. In order to better understand pedestrian safety conditions, pedestrian accident patterns have to be analysed with regard to both space and time. This paper adapts such a spatio-temporal hotspot detection method for the analysis of pedestrian accidents. In this study, 189 traffic accidents involving pedestrians that resulted in injury or fatality on the Eskişehir Motorway (Turkey) between the years of 2005 and 2010 are mapped with their spatial and temporal information. Network-based Kernel Density Estimation is used to examine the hotspots of pedestrian accidents and their changes over the years. Then, the significances of the results are evaluated by using Network-based the Nearest Neighbor Distance and the K-function methods. The impact of land use change and taken measures are evaluated based on spatio-temporal hotspot analysis. © 2015, Gazi University Eti Mahallesi. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Sustainable markets and abnormal weather: Exploring the impact of climate risks on sustainable investing in Turkey
    (Peter Lang AG, 2024) Yilmaz Arslan, Sena
    Global warming, as a result of climate change, has important economic and financial effects on society. But these effects are not fully explored yet. The risks related to climate change are categorized into physical and transition risks. Since Turkey is one of the countries currently impacted by the physical dangers of climate change, the study's objective is to advance awareness of the financial effects of those risks. Specifically, this study explores how investor preferences and attitudes toward sustainable investments are affected by physical climate risks in the context of the Salience Theory. Physical climate risks are measured using temperature anomalies and precipitation anomalies. The trading volume of the BIST Sustainability Index is used as a proxy for sustainable investing. The results indicate that there is no relationship between abnormal weather and the trading volume of the BIST Sustainability Index, implying that abnormal weather does not lead to a change in investors' decisions. © 2023 Peter Lang Group AG, Lausanne. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Pros and cons of remote work: Where do we stand now?
    (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2023) Ünlü, Sevgin Batuk; Torgalöz, Alev Özer
    Remote work has become a prevalent new work arrangement, and its implications on employees are still a continuous debate. Having reviewed the recent relevant literature, this study aims to provide insight into the pros and cons of remote work as currently experienced by employees. Accordingly, six variables were identified as the most discussed topics within the literature: work-life balance, performance, quiet quitting, social isolation, FoMO, and well-being. A qualitative method was designed and interview questions were prepared to explore the six variables. 13 interviews were conducted with remote working professionals. The responses derived suggested several factors reflecting each variable. The findings reveal that employees experience all six variables to differing extents while working remotely. A striking result is that for well-being, performance, and work-life balance, both negative and positive factors were revealed. While negative experiences outweighed positive ones for work-life balance and job performance, well¬being appeared to be affected more positively than negatively during remote working. © 2023 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    (Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Meydanoğlu, Ela Sibel Bayrak; Nayır, Dilek Zamantılı; Klein, Müge; Öztürk, Riza
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Effective application of coated tools in milling considering coating fatigue mechanisms
    (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2024) Bouzakis, Konstantinos-Dionysios
    The dominant wear mechanisms of coated tools in cutting vary from application to application and are different compared to those of uncoated ones. Their knowledge is crucial for explaining coating failures and appropriately adjusting, among others, the cutting conditions. In this chapter, firstly, the potential wear phenomena will be introduced developed during milling with coated cemented carbide tools. Furthermore, the tool wear evolution will be elucidated imposed by coating fatigue failures which, depending on the applied milling kinematic, might be the prevailing wear phenomena. Coating fatigue failures appear in milling due to repetitive cutting loads associated with the successive tool entries into the workpiece material. Herein, the impact duration of the relevant cutting forces and consequently developed coating strain and strain-rate combinations at endangered regions of the cutting-edge flank and rake are dominant for the coated tool life. Based on these parameters, the wear evolution of coated tools at various milling kinematics and chip geometries can be mathematically described. A related wear predictive model is introduced at the end of the present chapter. The developed model is integrated in a commercial CAM system for milling parts of complicated geometry. © 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Gastronomic heritage in tourism management
    (Taylor's University Sdn Bhd, 2017) Genc, Ruhet
    One of the factors that affect tourists’ value of experience is the value of consumption where food experience plays a crucial role. While gastronomic tourism had always been in existence, its popularity is very much on the rise nowadays. It is not considered unusual to travel long distances for food tasting and smart businesses are taking the best advantage of this demand. Even if the main purpose of travel is not gastronomy-related, food experience is still highly significant for building a strong experience value. This paper focuses on the gastronomic heritage, its role in creating value in consumption and how the optimal food experience can be achieved in today’s tourism. A true gastronomic experience requires not only good taste but also a harmony of visuals, presentation and service. Therefore, gastronomy will be analysed as a whole process from presentation to service and taste. Creating value in the consumption of food is also a matter of good and fitting representation. As gastronomy is a key element of culture, it is essential to represent the related cuisine if cultural tourism is intended. Thus, related topics will be covered in this paper. The sense of taste and its role in creating an emotional platform for the customer will also be examined alongside value creation in consumption. The paper does not claim the importance of gastronomy only. Due importance is also given for history, heritage, the consumption behaviour of the tourist and stakeholders’ management skills. The reader will, step by step, come to understand the importance of gastronomy. All in all, the paper intends to establish a good understanding of the core aspects of food experience and its place in tourism. © The Author(s) 2017.
  • Öğe
    Mind the Gap: Why Germany Should Invest More in Its Future
    (Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Kellermann, Kersten
    The issue of insufficient public investment has drawn attention since Aschauer (1989) published his landmark paper about the effects of public investments on productivity. However, to assess the level of public investment, it is necessary to consider not only aspects of productivity but also aspects of efficiency. This paper therefore uses an intertemporal welfare model to deduce an applicable public investment rule that can indicate suboptimal public investment levels. The rule states that a welfare-maximizing government invests up to the point where the net marginal productivity of public capital equals the marginal social discount rate. The social discount rate is approximated using the long-term interest rate. The marginal productivity of public capital is therefore expected to move with the interest rate. However, the data shows that over the past three decades, the gap between the net marginal productivity of public capital and the interest rate has widened significantly. In Germany, it reached 19 percentage points in 2017. © Peter Lang GmbH.
  • Öğe
    Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology: Investigating the Relationship between Bitcoin and Financial Markets
    (Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Selimefendigil, Seyfullah; Güzeloğlu, Hakan; Çatak, Çiydem
    The main purpose of this study is to investigate both causality relationship and cointegration relationship between bitcoin and capital markets during the Covid-19 period. To probe the issue a dataset based on a total of eight capital markets and the Bitcoin weekly prices utilized together. Based on Granger causality test, it is found that there is one-way causality relationship from BTC to BOVESPA and from SHANGHAI to BTC. Moreover, the ARDL bounds test shows that Bitcoin has no significant relationship with capital markets in the long run. © Peter Lang GmbH.
  • Öğe
    Could size ceilings make the TBTF regime more effective?
    (Peter Lang AG, 2024) Kellermann, Kersten; Nuroğlu, Elif
    This chapter examines the use of size ceilings for banks as a regulatory tool to enhance the effectiveness of the too big to fail (TBTF) regime. It introduces the concept of systemically important banks (SIBs) and explores the essential features of TBTF regime. The chapter argues that the optimal size of a bank from a business perspective may differ from its socially optimal size. Furthermore, it is argued that due to the challenge posed by a potential bailout, there is a legitimate public interest in the home country of a SIB to prevent the bank from growing beyond a socially acceptable and sustainable size. The chapter also provides a brief discussion of recent events in Switzerland related to the Credit Suisse crisis, where the effectiveness of the TBTF legislation was called into question. © 2023 Peter Lang Group AG, Lausanne. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Factors Affecting Work-Family Conflict in the Digital Work Environment
    (Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Klein, Müge; Ünlü, Sevgin Batuk; Varinlioğlu, Selin Karaca; Dede, Merve Ahter
    Remote work, which has become widespread in today’s digitalized world, has gained pace globally. Especially with the effect of the pandemic, many institutions in different sectors have had to quickly adapt to this new order. Remote working is now at an irreversible point in today’s working life, and therefore, the need to carry out studies that will increase the effectiveness of remote working, as well as that will help to eliminate the situations that will reduce the success of remote working, has gained vital importance in providing competitive advantage for institutions. The virtualization of business practices, increasing virtual teams and virtual meetings can force the employees to be available at any time, which can lead to work-family conflicts and as a result to employee burnout and poor performance. In today’s digital business world, both employees and employers have important responsibilities to prevent work-family conflict, which has a significant impact on both employee and company success. The aim of this study is to determine the factors that have either a positive or negative effect on the work-family conflict experienced by the employees in their digitally supported remote working life, based on a literature review of recent relevant studies. © Peter Lang GmbH.
  • Öğe
    Investigating the Effects of Digital Challenges and Strategies in Post-Pandemic Era on Supply Chain Management
    (Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Taş, Mehmet Ali; Aylak, Batin Latif; Uşar, Damla Durak
    With the recent outbreak of the pandemic, the vulnerability of the global supply chains has been revealed. Significant disruption from both the demand and supply sides has impacted drastically the supply chain operation around the world. There is a growing trend to integrate digital supply chain technologies to make the supply resilient and robust. However, businesses from different industries can face internal and external challenges dealing with technology trends in supply chain management. This study is intended to clarify and analyze the challenges in implementing digital strategies of supply chains whose conditions are constantly changing due to the pandemic. Exploratory research is conducted through an extensive literature review to examine these challenges. The Context-Intervention-Mechanism-Outcome (CIMO-logic) framework was used to determine the digital strategies in supply chains. The analysis study indicated that businesses can face challenges starting from selecting technology and designing strategies to coordination and collaboration with the internal and external supply chain participants. According to the problems defined in the context, digital strategies were proposed with the CIMO-logic framework. The findings of this study can guide industry practitioners to address the challenges in supply chain digitalization in advance. © Peter Lang GmbH.
  • Öğe
    (Springer International Publishing, 2021) Reiners, Wulf; Turhan, Ebru
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Introduction: Gender and the economy
    (Peter Lang AG, 2019) Kellermann, Kersten
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Digital Challenges in the Governance of Business Networks in the Post-Pandemic Era
    (Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Nuroğlu, Hüseyin Hayri
    Digital transformation creates opportunities like new business structures, strategies, and models. However, these opportunities bring also new challenges. Starting the digitalization process before the pandemic has been an advantage for companies. Today, digital transformation is seen as a must and it reached its peak in some sectors during the pandemic. Business networks in general, Business to Customer (B2C) business networks specifically met serious problems during the lock-down periods. Monitoring and control are some of the fundamental tools that are used by the network owners to keep everything under control. In addition to the obstacles in main business activities, control cannot be performed properly in many B2C networks, due to traveling and other restrictions during the pandemic. This article aims to provide insights regarding the challenges experienced during the pandemic from a digitalization perspective. Furthermore, based on the digital solutions during the pandemic, this research aims to review how business networks reacted to the crisis and solved main governance problems. Organizations have started to use new processes to monitor and control their networks. The solutions developed to these challenges and their effect on governance will also be investigated in this article. © Peter Lang GmbH.