Robotlar ve Akıllı Sistemler Anabilim Dalı
Güncel Gönderiler
Kritik madenlerin kullanıldığı ürünler ülke ekonomisine katkı sunar
(2024)Geleceğin katma değerli ekonomisinde belirleyici unsurlar arasında sadece lityum, grafit, kobalt ve nikel değil bor, nadir toprak elementleri, bakır, altın, gümüş, manganez, titanyum, demir, silisyum ve alüminyum içeren ... -
Chapter 33 - Kinematics, kinetics, and forces of the knee joint during walking
(Elsevier-Academic Press, 2024)Motion analysis is a valuable tool to monitor the kinematics and kinetics of body parts quantitatively and the decision-making process in clinical implementations. In gait analysis systems, temporospatial parameters, joint ... -
Evaluation of mandibular condyle position in Class III patients after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery: A cone-beam computed tomography study
(2024)This retrospective study evaluated the mandibular condyle position before and after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery performed with the mandibular condyle positioned manually in patients with mandibular prognathism using ... -
Evaluation of treatment protocols in surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion by finite element analysis
(2024)Background and Objectives: Transverse maxillary deficiency is an important maxillary anomaly that is very common in society and remains current in orthodontics. The maxillary expansion has been used in treatment for a ... -
Kinematics, kinetics, and forces of the knee joint during walking
(Elsevier-Academic Press, 2023)Motion analysis is a valuable tool to monitor the kinematics and kinetics of body parts quantitatively and the decision-making process in clinical implementations. In gait analysis systems, temporospatial parameters, joint ... -
The effect of papaverine on tendon healing and adhesion in rats following Achilles tendon repair
(2024)The Achilles tendon, recognized as the strongest tendon in the human body, plays a pivotal role in transferring the forces generated by the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to the calcaneus. This complex mechanism is ... -
Serebral palsili çocukların yürüme karakteristiğinin biyomekanik değerlendirmesi
(2020)Serebral palsi (SP), kas iskelet sisteminde pek çok deformiteye neden olan ve çeşitli yürüme patolojileri ile kendini gösteren bir hastalıktır. Bükük diz yürüyüşü en çok karşılaşılan yürüme problemlerinden biridir. SP’li ... -
Direct validation of model-predicted muscle forces in the cat hindlimb during locomotion
(Journal of Biomechanical engineering-transactions of the asme, 2020)Various methods are available for simulating the movement patterns of musculoskeletal systems and determining individual muscle forces, but the results obtained from these methods have not been rigorously validated against ... -
Biomechanical comparison of implantation approaches for the treatment of mandibular total edentulism
(Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part h-journal of engineering in medicine, 2020)Applying four anterior implants placed vertically or tilted in the mandible is considered to provide clinically reasonable results in the treatment of mandibular posterior edentulism. It is also reported that a combination ... -
The effect of PEEK-Rod fixation systems on finite element lumbar spine model
(Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2022)Orthopedic fixation devices have been employed in the treatment of spinal diseases. Special fixation devices have been developed to decrease the effect of spinal injuries and deformities and have been used to decrease the ... -
Fundamentals of 3D printing and its applications in biomedical engineering
(Springer Natur, 2020)Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a practical manufacturing method that allows us to transform objects designed in the digital environment into physical objects using layered manufacturing methods. The terms of rapid ... -
Design of patient-specific maxillofacial implants and guides
(Springer, 2021)With the development of three-dimensional (3D) design and manufacturing technologies, it is possible to easily manufacture various computer-aided patient-specific instruments. In the maxillofacial region, treatment of ... -
Artificial intelligence versus natural intelligence in mineral processing
(Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2023)This article aims to introduce the terms NI-Natural Intelligence, AI-Artificial Intelligence, MLMachine Learning, DL-Deep Learning, ES-Expert Systems and etc. used by modern digital world to mining and mineral processing ... -
Effect of chloride salt Ions onto coal flotation based on contact angle and bubble-particle attachment time
(2022)This study was aimed to reveal the effect of K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions on the bubble-particle interactions of high-rank coal with contact angle and bubble-particle attachment time studies. The results for the contact ... -
Ultrasound supported flocculation of borate tailings with differently charged flocculants
(Journal of Boron, 2021)Mining activities are followed by mineral processing and wet beneficiation methods which generate a significant amount of tailings. Slime fractions are discharged to the tailing ponds with associated process water and this ... -
Effect of conventional and microwave thermal treatments on floatability of low- and high-rank lignites
(Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2020)Thermal treatment is one of the well-known methods used before froth flotation to remove the polar groups from coal surfaces to make them more hydrophobic. In this study, the effect of conventional and microwave thermal ... -
Use of ultrasound in physical and chemical mineral processing operations
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024)his Series covers the advances and developments in a wide range of materials such as energy materials, optoelectronic materials, minerals, composites, alloys and compounds, polymers, green materials, semiconductors, polymers, ... -
Effect of operating parameters on the breakage process of calcite in a stirred media mill
(Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2019)One of the most energy-intensive processes for producing submicron range calcite is stirred media mill. In the present work, numerous operating parameters such as solid mass fraction, grinding media size, media filling ... -
Makine öğrenmesi ile kinematik veriden serebral palsili hastalarınyürüyüş karakteristiğinin analizi
(2023)Serebral palsi (SP), nöromotor fonksiyon bozuklarına dayanan bir rahatsızlıktır ve özellikle yürüme kinematiğini etkileyebilir. SP'li hastaların hareket yeteneklerini iyileştirmek için kişiye özgü değerlendirmelere ...