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Imprinted Polymers on the Route to Plastibodies for Biomacromolecules (MIPs), Viruses (VIPs), and Cells (CIPs)
(Springer, 2024)Around 30% of the scientific papers published on imprinted polymers describe the recognition of proteins, nucleic acids, viruses, and cells. The straightforward synthesis from only one up to six functional monomers and the ... -
A Strep-Tag Imprinted Polymer Platform for Heterogenous Bio(electro)catalysis
(Wiley, 2024)Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are artificial receptors equipped with selective recognition sites for target molecules. One of the most promising strategies for protein MIPs relies on the exploitation of short ... -
Secondary structure dependence on simulation techniques and force field parameters: from disordered to ordered proteins
(2021)Computer simulations are used for identifying the secondary structure properties of ordered and disordered proteins. However, our recent studies showed that the chosen computer simulation protocol, simulation technique, ... -
Kinematics, kinetics, and forces of the knee joint during walking
(Elsevier, 2024)Motion analysis is a valuable tool to monitor the kinematics and kinetics of body parts quantitatively and the decision-making process in clinical implementations. In gait analysis systems, temporospatial parameters, joint ... -
Patellar tendon advancement for the treatment of crouch gait in patients with cerebral palsy
(2023)Crouch gait is a frequent gait pathology in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Patellar tendon advancement (PTA) is a typical surgery among single-event multilevel surgery (SEMLS) for the treatment of crouch gait and ... -
Retracted: Effect of model parameters on the biomechanicalBehavior of the finite element cervical spine model
(2021)Finite element (FE) models have frequently been used to analyze spine biomechanics. Material parameters assigned to FE spine models are generally uncertain, and their effect on the characterization of the spinal components ... -
Evaluation of mandibular condyle position in Class III patients after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery: A cone-beam computed tomography study
(2024)This retrospective study evaluated the mandibular condyle position before and after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery performed with the mandibular condyle positioned manually in patients with mandibular prognathism using ... -
Sonlu elemanlar analizi ile cerrahi destekli hızlı maksiller genişletmede tedavi protokollerinin değerlendirilmesi
(2023)Joint moments during gait provide valuable information for clinical decision-making in patients with cerebral palsy (CP). Joint moments are calculated based on ground reaction forces (GRF) using inverse dynamics ... -
Estimating ground reaction forces from gait kinematics in cerebral palsy : A convolutional neural network approach
(Springer, 2024)Purpose While gait analysis is essential for assessing neuromotor disorders like cerebral palsy (CP), capturing accurate ground reaction force (GRF) measurements during natural walking presents challenges, particularly ... -
Identification of deleterious non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the mRNA decay activator ZFP36L2
(2024)More than 4,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) variants have been identified in the human ZFP36L2 gene, however only a few have been studied in the context of protein function. The tandem zinc finger domain of ... -
İskelet kaslarındaki kuvvet üretim mekanizmasının Huxley tipi kas modelleriyle incelenmesi
(2021)Hareketin gerçekleştirilmesinde birincil rol oynayan ve lokomotor sistem bileşenlerinden olan iskelet kasları, kasılma esnasında çeşitli biyokimyasal ve mekanik süreçler sonucunda kuvvet üretirler. Kas kuvvetlerinin ... -
Does intramedullary elastic nail augmentation increase resistance to bending stress in plate fixation of long bones? A biomechanical study on lamb cadaveric femurs
(2023)The aim of this study was to evaluate the bending strength of plate-screw fixation augmented with titanium elastic nails (TENs) in a simple long bone fracture model using lamb cadaver femurs. Materials and methods: A total ... -
A tale of captopril detection based on an electrochemical mip sensör
(2024)Amaç: Bu çalışmada antihipertansif bir ilaç olan Kaptoprilin tespitine yönelik moleküler baskılama yöntemi ile hazırlanmış sensörler kullanılarak voltametrik bir yöntem geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Moleküler ... -
Kritik madenlerin kullanıldığı ürünler ülke ekonomisine katkı sunar
(2024)Geleceğin katma değerli ekonomisinde belirleyici unsurlar arasında sadece lityum, grafit, kobalt ve nikel değil bor, nadir toprak elementleri, bakır, altın, gümüş, manganez, titanyum, demir, silisyum ve alüminyum içeren ... -
Specific features of epitope-MIPs and whole-protein MIPs as illustrated for AFP and RBD of SARS-CoV-2
(2024)Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) nanofilms for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 using either a peptide (epitope-MIP) or the whole protein (protein-MIP) as ... -
Effect of various carbon electrodes on MIP-Based sensing proteins using poly(Scopoletin): A case study of ferritin
(2024)Sensitivity in the sub-nanomolar concentration region is required to determine important protein biomarkers, e.g., ferritin. As a prerequisite for high sensitivity, in this paper, the affinity of the functional monomer ... -
Chapter 33 - Kinematics, kinetics, and forces of the knee joint during walking
(Elsevier-Academic Press, 2024)Motion analysis is a valuable tool to monitor the kinematics and kinetics of body parts quantitatively and the decision-making process in clinical implementations. In gait analysis systems, temporospatial parameters, joint ... -
Evaluation of mandibular condyle position in Class III patients after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery: A cone-beam computed tomography study
(2024)This retrospective study evaluated the mandibular condyle position before and after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery performed with the mandibular condyle positioned manually in patients with mandibular prognathism using ... -
Evaluation of treatment protocols in surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion by finite element analysis
(2024)Background and Objectives: Transverse maxillary deficiency is an important maxillary anomaly that is very common in society and remains current in orthodontics. The maxillary expansion has been used in treatment for a ... -
Structural properties of rat intestinal fatty acid-binding protein with its dynamics: Insights into intrinsic disorder
(2024)Background: The rat intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) is expressed in the small intestine and is involved in the absorption and transport of dietary fatty acids. It is used as a marker for intestinal injury ...