Effects of exchange rate volatility on international trade flows evidence from panel data analysis and fuzzy approach
Elif Nuroglu & Robert M. Kunst (2012). The effects of exchange rate volatility on international trade flows: evidence from panel data analysis and fuzzy approach, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci/Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, 30 (1), 9-31.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of exchange rate volatility on
international trade fl ows by using two different approaches, the panel data
analysis and fuzzy logic, and to compare the results. To a panel with the cross section dimension of 91 pairs of EU15 countries and with time ranging from 1964
to 2003, an extended gravity model of trade is applied in order to determine the
effects of exchange rate volatility on bilateral trade fl ows of EU15 countries. The
estimated impact is clearly negative, which indicates that exchange rate volatility
has a negative infl uence on bilateral trade fl ows. Then, this traditional panel
approach is contrasted with an alternative investigation based on fuzzy logic. The
key elements of the fuzzy approach are to set fuzzy decision rules and to assign
membership functions to the fuzzy sets intuitively based on experience. Both
approaches yield very similar results and fuzzy approach is recommended to be
used as a complement to statistical methods.