Now showing items 21-30 of 222
Partial discharge detection in pressboards immersed in mineral insulation oil with quantum well hall effect magnetic field sensors
(IEEE, 2022)
Insulation degradation may cause inefficient and faulty operation of transformers. The insulation failures in transformers mostly start with a Partial Discharge (PD) event. For both operational and cost reasons to ensure ...
Observability, controllability and stability of a nonlinear RLC circuit in form of a Duffing oscillator by means of theoretical mechanical approach
(Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2022)
In this research article, observability, controllability and stability of a nonlinear RLC circuit with a nonlinear capacitor is investigated as a Duffing oscillator beginning with the dissipative equations of generalized ...
Benzimidazole-hydrazone derivatives: synthesis, in vitro anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant activities, in silico DFT and ADMET studies
(Elsevier, 2022)
The Austrian statesman Metternich is widely recognized as a leading actor in European affairs in the first half of the nineteenth century. What has been surprisingly neglected is the long-lasting impact of his nationality ...
Tension-compression asymmetry of quadruple CuCoNiBe alloys processed by high-temperature multi-pass equal channel angular pressing (ECAP)
(Walter de Gruyter, 2022)
Among copper alloys, the precipitation (age) hardening quadruple CuCoNiBe alloys due to their superior mechanical properties in terms of the highest strength and elasticity achieved by peak aging have been used over the ...
Nationalities without nationalism? The cultural consequences of metternich's nationality policy
(Cambridge University Press, 2022)
The Austrian statesman Metternich is widely recognized as a leading actor in European affairs in the first half of the nineteenth century. What has been surprisingly neglected is the long-lasting impact of his nationality ...
Assessment of liquefaction potential during earthquakes by using SPT-number of blows and two-dimensional finite element analyses
(Springer, 2022)
For the planning and design of buildings in earthquake zones with high groundwater levels, the liquefaction potential of the building site has to be investigated and evaluated. In DIN EN 1998-5:2010-12 (2010), the diagrams ...
The labor of the good: sustaining Berlin's temporal infrastructure in Turkish-run corner shops
(Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2022)
Berlin's spoils (businesses that are similar to corner shops and open late hours and on Sundays) provide their customers with temporal flexibility. Amidst globally-rising xenophobic sentiments, Turkish owners and workers ...
Classification of breast cancer histopathological images using DenseNet and transfer learning
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2022)
Breast cancer is one of the most common invading cancers in women. Analyzing breast cancer is nontrivial and may lead to disagreements among experts. Although deep learning methods achieved an excellent performance in ...
Economic literacy : a study on tradespeople
(Sosyoekonomi Derneği, 2022)
In the study, the economic literacy level was measured over the tradesmen in Gaziantep, and it was found, that the economic literacy level of the tradesmen was high. In the difference tests, economic literacy level was ...
Explainable ensemble learning models for the rheological properties of self-compacting concrete
(MDPI-Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022)
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has been developed as a type of concrete capable of filling narrow gaps in highly reinforced areas of a mold without internal or external vibration. Bleeding and segregation in SCC can be ...