Now showing items 21-30 of 1306
Kollektives gedächtnıs auf zypern : narrative, eınflüsse, implikationen, generationeller wandel
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
This master thesis entitled “Collective Memory in Cyprus: Narratives, Influences, Implications, Generational Change” analyses and compares the collective memory in the north and south of Cyprus. The aim of the thesis is ...
Die auswirkungen des schwankenden türkische lira-euro kurses und der deutsch-türkischen wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den jahren 2013-2017 auf zwei deutsche unternehmen in der utomobilbranche mit tätigkeit in der türkei
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
Political events that occurred in Turkey between 2013-2017 showed a strong influence on the fluctuation of exchange rates and the loss of value of the Turkish Lira in general. During the same period, especially in 2016 and ...
Türkei-tourismus und krisenmanagement
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
2015 yılında başlayarak Türkiye’deki uluslararası ziyaretçilerin sayısı hızla düşüş görüp, tüm Türk turizm sektörü krize sürüklenmiştir. 2016 yılında bir önceki yıl ile kıyasla yabancı turist sayısının %30 gerilediği tespit ...
Zum studieren in "die heimat": abwanderung von Türkeistämmigen der zweiten generation motive und erfahrungen
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
This master thesis focuses on people of Turkish origin who are born and grew up in Germany and who decided, after completing their higher school degree, to study in Turkey. In this context two different groups can be ...
Automobilisierung in der Türkei ab dem ersten weltkrieg
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
The aim of this master's thesis was to examine the intercultural aspects of Turkey's automobilization. The focus here was on two important rulers, in particular the idea and influence of the USA and Germany, including the ...
M&A in der kosmetıkindustrie : indie beauty brands auf dem vormarsch
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
This master thesis entitled “M&A in the cosmetics industry – Indie Beauty Brands on the rise” analyses the increasing acquisition activities within the cosmetics branch. It can be observed that there is an acquisition boost ...
Standortfaktoren, standortsuche und standortfindung der industrie. Die entstehung und entwicklung der industriellen kernräume (agglomerationen) am internationalen beispiel Stuttgart/Bangalore der Daimler AG
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
The Master's thesis will deal with the question of which factors contributed to Daimler AG choosing Stuttgart and Bangalore as its locations. In this context, the question arises as to whether every company can settle ...
Kulturelle pra¨ferenzen bei der wohnstandortwahl Tu¨rkischsta¨mmiger migranten "gastarbeıter" und Tu¨rkischsta¨mmiger Deutsche im Ruhrgebiet
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
Bu c¸alıs¸ma Almanyanın Ruhrgebiet bo¨lgesinde yas¸ayan Tu¨rk go¨c¸menlerin ve Tu¨rk asıllı Almanların ku¨ltu¨rel tercih bagˆlamında konut-yas¸amdaki sec¸im ve tercihlerini ele almaktadır. Bu kis¸ilerin konut-yas¸amındaki ...
Economic diplomacy strategy on palm oil by Indonesia in the European Union
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
Palm oil is used as a raw material in many industries such as foods, cosmetics, transportation fuels, and energy. Palm oil is one of the main contributors to the Indonesian economy. The industry creates millions of employments ...
Rekabet hukukunun hukuk mahkemeleri eliyle uygulanması önündeki engeller
(Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, 2019)
Rekabet hukukunun hukuk mahkemeleri eliyle uygulanması önünde çeşitli engeller bulunmaktadır. Bu engellerin başında dava masrafları, ispat külfeti ve ispat vasıtalarına ulaşma zorluğu, zamanaşımı sürelerinin kısalığı ve ...