Browsing by Author "0000-0001-6931-0590"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Assessment of liquefaction potential during earthquakes by using SPT-number of blows and two-dimensional finite element analyses
Koltuk, Serdar; Subaşı, Ozan; Fernandez-Steeger, Tomas; İyisan, Recep (Springer, 2022)For the planning and design of buildings in earthquake zones with high groundwater levels, the liquefaction potential of the building site has to be investigated and evaluated. In DIN EN 1998-5:2010-12 (2010), the diagrams ... -
Beurteilung des bodenverflüssigungspotenzials bei erdbeben mithilfe von SPT-schlagzahlen und zweidimensionalen finite-element-analysen
Subaşı, Ozan; Koltuk, Serdar; Fernandez-Steeger, Tomas; Iyisan, Recep (Springer, 2022)For the planning and design of buildings in earthquake zones with high groundwater levels, the liquefaction potential of the building site has to be investigated and evaluated. In DIN EN 1998-5:2010-12 (2010), the diagrams ... -
Determination of local site soil conditions by microtremor measurements for sustainable buildings
Subaşı, Ozan; Özaslan, Bilal; Haşal, Murat Emre; Hiroaki, Yamanaka; Chimoto, Kosuke (Proceedings of 3rd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS 2017), 2018)As well known, local soil condition at a specific site affects the significant features of strong ground motion such as amplitude, frequency range and time duration. The effects of site condition depend on the properties ... -
The efect of RCA pavements on the liquefaction‑induced settlement
Subaşı, Ozan; Akbaş, Merve; Iyisan, Recep (Scientific Reports, 2023)The use of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) not only reduces the demand for natural aggregates (NA) but also might improve the behavior of soil under earthquake loading. In this study, the behavior of the pavement ... -
A numerical study on liquefaction induced settlements by using PM4Sand model
Koltuk, Serdar; Subaşı, Ozan; Akbaş, Merve; Iyisan, Recep (2021)The destructive effects of earthquakes negatively affect many people's lives and cause a large number of lives and property losses. One of the most crucial factors that increase the destructive effects and structural ... -
A numerical study on the estimation of liquefaction-induced free-field settlements by using PM4Sand model
Subaşı, Ozan; Koltuk, Serdar; İyisan, Recep (Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2021)The present paper treats the estimation of liquefaction-induced, free-field settlements using two-dimensional, fully coupled, finite element (FE) analyses. The PM4Sand model is used to simulate the liquefaction behavior ... -
Sıvılaşma kaynaklı oturmaların azaltılmasında üst dolgu tabakasının etkisi : Bir vaka analiz
Subaşı, Ozan; Akbaş, Merve; Kaygusuz, Zeynep; Iyisan, Recep (Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2023)Zemin tabakalarının cinsi, geoteknik özellikleri ve dinamik davranışı ile deprem özelliklerine bağlı olarak meydana gelen sıvılaşma, depremler sırasında mühendislik yapıların davranışı üzerinde olumsuz etkilere yol ... -
Sıvılaşma nedeniyle meydana gelen oturmaların Pm4Sand bünye modeli ile incelenmesi
Subaşı, Ozan; Iyisan, Recep (Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2022)Depremlerin yıkıcı etkisini ve yapısal hasarları arttıran en önemli faktörlerden biri, dinamik yükler altında zemin tabakalarında oluşan deformasyonlardır. Özellikle suya doygun kumlu zeminlerde, kuvvetli yer hareketi ...