Offshore Şirketlerin Türk Milletlerarası Usul Hukuku Bakımından DeĞerlendirilmesi
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Türk-Alman Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Gitgide milletlerarası ticaret hayatının önemli aktörleri haline gelen, en bilinen adıyla, “offshore” şirketler şimdiye kadar farklı hukuk disiplinleri bakımından çok sayıda çalışmanın konusu olmuştur; ancak, milletlerarası özel hukuk ve milletlerarası usul hukukundaki yerleri bakımından değerlendirilmemişlerdir. Tamamen kuruldukları ülkeler dışında faaliyette bulunmak amacıyla kullanılan offshore şirketler, yabancılık unsuru taşımakla, milletlerarası özel hukuk ve usul hukukunu yakından ilgilendirmektedir. Çalışmanın muhtemel hacmi düşünülerek, yalnızca Türk milletlerarası usul hukuku bakımından bir değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmaları uygun görülmüştür. Ancak Türk milletlerarası usul hukukunun tamamına yönelik bir inceleme/değerlendirmede bulunulmamış, yalnızca offshore şirketler ve kuruldukları offshore finans merkezleri/vergi cennetleri açısından özellik arz edebilecek meseleler üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışmanın ilk kısmında bu tür şirketlerin nerede, nasıl ve ne amaçla kuruldukları olabildiğince çalışmanın amacına uygun şekilde açıklanmış; ikinci kısmında ise bu tür şirketlere karşı açılacak davalarda Türk mahkemelerinin yetkisi, bu tür şirketlerin Türk mahkemelerinde dava açmaları ya da icra takibi yapmaları halinde teminat yatırma yükümlülükleri incelenmiştir.
The commonly called as "offshore" companies, which are increasingly becoming one of the most important actors of the international business life, have been the subject of many studies in terms of different legal disciplines; however, they have not been evaluated in terms of private international law and international procedural law. Offshore companies, which are completely used to operate outside the countries where they were established, are closely related to international private law and procedural law, with an element of foreignness. Considering the possible volume of the study, it has been deemed appropriate to make an assessment only in terms of Turkish international procedural law. However, a review/evaluation of the entire Turkish international procedural law has not been made. Only issues that may be specific in terms of offshore companies and offshore financial centers / tax havens where they are established have been emphasized. In the first part of the study, where, how, and why such companies are established was explained as much as possible in accordance with the purpose of the study. In the second part, the jurisdiction of Turkish courts concerning such companies and the liability of such companies to deposit guarantees while filing a lawsuit or commencing an execution procedure are examined.
The commonly called as "offshore" companies, which are increasingly becoming one of the most important actors of the international business life, have been the subject of many studies in terms of different legal disciplines; however, they have not been evaluated in terms of private international law and international procedural law. Offshore companies, which are completely used to operate outside the countries where they were established, are closely related to international private law and procedural law, with an element of foreignness. Considering the possible volume of the study, it has been deemed appropriate to make an assessment only in terms of Turkish international procedural law. However, a review/evaluation of the entire Turkish international procedural law has not been made. Only issues that may be specific in terms of offshore companies and offshore financial centers / tax havens where they are established have been emphasized. In the first part of the study, where, how, and why such companies are established was explained as much as possible in accordance with the purpose of the study. In the second part, the jurisdiction of Turkish courts concerning such companies and the liability of such companies to deposit guarantees while filing a lawsuit or commencing an execution procedure are examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Offshore S¸irket, Posta Kutusu S¸irket, Vergi Cenneti, Milletlerarası Yetki, Tüzel kişiler, Offshore Company, Letterbox Company, International Jurisdiction, Legal Entities, Tax Haven, International Litigation
Türk-Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
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