Strategisches social media marketing in unternehmen: ein vergleich zwischen deutschland und der Türkei
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Türk-Alman Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çok uluslu şirketler, genellikle yalnızca sektörlerinde lider olmakla kalmayıp aynı zamanda farklı ülkelerde de faaliyet gösterdiklerinden, kendi alanlarında belirleyici bir rol oynamaktadır. Alt pazarlardaki müşterilere hitap edebilmek için sosyal medya pazarlamasının kültürel özellikler dikkate alınarak analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu tez, Hofstede'ye göre kültürel boyutlara dayalı farklılıkları ve benzerlikleri gerekçelendirebilmek için çok uluslu şirketlerin Alman ve Türk bölümlerinin sosyal medya pazarlama stratejilerini karşılaştırmaktadır. Bu nedenle amaç, her iki ülkede ve kültürel bağlamda sosyal medya pazarlamasının benzerliklerini ve farklılıklarını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Metodolojik olarak, şirketin Alman ve Türk bölümlerinin homojen bir karşılaştırılması yapılmış ve Kuckartz'a gör e nitel veri analizi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Sosyal medya pazarlamasının, bir şirketin faaliyet gösterdiği farklı ülkelerde büyük farklılıklar barındırabileceği gösterilmiştir. Her ne kadar benzerlikler tespit edilse de sosyal medya pazarlama hedefi, temel kurumsal yapı ve süreçler ile sosyal medya pazarlama kültürleri açısından belirli farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Hedef kitlenin kültürünü gözardı eden genel bir sosyal medya pazarlama stratejisi yoluyla alınan kararların risklerinden kaçınmak için, kültürü temel alan bir sosyal medya pazarlama modelinde bu farklılıkların bilhassa vurgulanması gerekir.
Multinational companies have a decisive influence on market developments, as they are often not only leaders in their industry, but also operate in different countries. In order to be able to address customers in the underlying markets, it is necessary to consider social media marketing while taking into account the cultural characteristics. This thesis compares the social media marketing of the German and Turkish parts of multinational companies in order to be able to justify the differences and similarities based on the cultural dimensions according to Hofstede. The aim is therefore to work out the similarities and differences of social media marketing in both countries and the cultural contexts. Methodologically, a homogeneous comparison of the German and Turkish parts of the company is carried out and evaluated using the qualitative literature analysis according to Kuckartz. It can be seen that social media marketing can vary in the different countries in which a company operates. Although similarities can also be identified, there are particular differences in terms of the social media marketing objective, the underlying organizational structure and processes and the social media marketing culture. These differences need to be emphasized in a culture-oriented social media marketing framework in order to avoid the risks of misguided decisions due to a centralized social media marketing strategy that neglects the culture of the population to be addressed.
Multinational companies have a decisive influence on market developments, as they are often not only leaders in their industry, but also operate in different countries. In order to be able to address customers in the underlying markets, it is necessary to consider social media marketing while taking into account the cultural characteristics. This thesis compares the social media marketing of the German and Turkish parts of multinational companies in order to be able to justify the differences and similarities based on the cultural dimensions according to Hofstede. The aim is therefore to work out the similarities and differences of social media marketing in both countries and the cultural contexts. Methodologically, a homogeneous comparison of the German and Turkish parts of the company is carried out and evaluated using the qualitative literature analysis according to Kuckartz. It can be seen that social media marketing can vary in the different countries in which a company operates. Although similarities can also be identified, there are particular differences in terms of the social media marketing objective, the underlying organizational structure and processes and the social media marketing culture. These differences need to be emphasized in a culture-oriented social media marketing framework in order to avoid the risks of misguided decisions due to a centralized social media marketing strategy that neglects the culture of the population to be addressed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyal Hizmet, Social Work, Uluslararası İlişkiler