Dielektrik Kaplı İletken Silindirden Saçılan Alanın Minimizasyonu
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Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, TM polarize düzlem dalga ile aydınlatılan, dielektrik malzeme ile kaplı sonsuz uzun, mükemmel iletken, dairesel bir silindirin RKA (radar kesit alanı)’ nı en aza indirmek için analitik yönteme dayalı bir analiz önerilmektedir. Silindirik yapıdan saçılan alan, farklı bölgelerde Bessel ve Hankel fonksiyonlarının sonsuz seri toplamı cinsinden ifade edilerek analitik olarak belirlenmiştir. Burada temel yaklaşım olarak kalınlık veya permitivite veya frekansın sabit olduğu varsayılarak, iki değişken parametreye bağımlı bir fonksiyonelin parametrik analizi yapılmış ve yapının RKA’nı en aza indirgeyen parametreler belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçların tutarlılığı, uzak alan ifadeleri gözlemlenerek gösterilmiş ve önerilen yöntemin başarısı çeşitli durumlar için tartışılmıştır.
In this study, an analysis based on the analytical method is proposed to reduce the RCS (radar cross section) of an infinite, perfectly conducting circular cylinder coated with a dielectric material, which is illuminated by a TM polarized plane wave. The scattered field of the cylindrical structure is determined analytically where the fields in different regions are expressed in terms of infinite series summation of cylindrical vector wave functions. Here, as a basic approach, the thickness or permittivity or frequency is assumed to be constant, and parametric analysis of a functional dependent on two variable parameters is performed, conseqently, the relevant parameters minimizing the RCS of the structure are determined. The consistency of the obtained results is demonstrated by observing the far-field expressions, and the success of the proposed method is discussed for various situations.
In this study, an analysis based on the analytical method is proposed to reduce the RCS (radar cross section) of an infinite, perfectly conducting circular cylinder coated with a dielectric material, which is illuminated by a TM polarized plane wave. The scattered field of the cylindrical structure is determined analytically where the fields in different regions are expressed in terms of infinite series summation of cylindrical vector wave functions. Here, as a basic approach, the thickness or permittivity or frequency is assumed to be constant, and parametric analysis of a functional dependent on two variable parameters is performed, conseqently, the relevant parameters minimizing the RCS of the structure are determined. The consistency of the obtained results is demonstrated by observing the far-field expressions, and the success of the proposed method is discussed for various situations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kaplı silindir, Dielektrik tabaka, Mükemmel iletken, Radar kesit alanı (RKA), TM polarizasyon, Coated cylinder, Dielectric layer, Perfect electric conductor (PEC), Radar cross section (RCS), TM polarization
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