İzokinetik Testlerde Mekanik Terimlerin Atletik Performansla İlişkilendirilmesi: Spor Bilimciler İçin Bir Rehber
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İzokinetik testler, sporcuların atletik performansını mekanik yönleriyle ortaya koyar. Ancak mekanik terimlerin anlamı spor bilimciler tarafından net bir şekilde bilinmemektedir. Bu sebeple testten elde edilen mekanik çıktıların atletik performanstaki karşılığı da anlaşılamamaktadır. Kuvvet, tork, yapılan iş ya da üretilen güç gibi terimler birbiriyle bağlantılıdır; fakat birbirinden farklı atletik performans özelliklerini ifade eder. Bu terimlerin anlamı ve performanstaki yansımalarının bilinmemesi sporcuların performansının yanlış değerlendirilmesine sebep olmaktadır. Ayrıca terimlerin yanlış kullanılması biyomekanik ve spor bilimleri camiası arasında bir iletişim engeli oluşturmaktadır. Bu sebeple bu çalışmada izokinetik testlerde kullanılan temel mekanik parametrelerin hem ölçüm hem de matematiksel hesaplama yöntemleri ile elde edilmeleri amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu parametrelerin atletik performans açısından kullanımları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada bir sprinterden pilot ölçüm alınmıştır. İzokinetik test baskın bacakta ve oturur pozisyonda diz ekleminde 60-120-240 der/s hızlarda uygulanmıştır. İzokinetik test ile eklem torkunun zamana, açıya ve hıza bağlı değişim grafikleri elde edilmiş ve bu veriler kullanılarak eklemin hareket boyunca yaptığı iş, ürettiği güç ve tepe torka ulaştığı açı değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca birbirinden farklı birçok izokinetik test çıktısının beraber yorumlanarak performansın nasıl değerlendirileceği vurgulanmıştır. Patlayıcı kuvvet, çabukluk ve çabuk kuvvette devamlılık gibi atletik performans ölçümleri ile izokinetik test sonuçları arasındaki korelasyon ve anlamlı ilişkiler farklı spor disiplinleri içerisinde örneklendirilmiştir.
Isokinetic tests reveal the mechanical aspects of athletes’ athletic performance. However, the meaning of mechanical terms is not clearly known by sports scientists. Therefore, the mechanical outputs obtained from the test are also not understood in terms of athletic performance. Terms like force, torque, work done, or power produced are associated with each other, however, they indicate different athletic performance characteristics. Lack of knowledge in the meaning of these terms and their reflections on performance leads to a misinterpretation of athletes’ performance. Moreover, the misuse of terms creates a communication barrier between the biomechanics and sports science community. Therefore, this study aims to obtain the basic mechanical parameters used in isokinetic tests both through measurement and mathematical calculation methods. Additionally, the use of these parameters in terms of athletic performance has been evaluated. In this study, a pilot measurement was taken from a sprinter. The isokinetic test was applied to the dominant leg in a seated position at the knee joint at speeds of 60-120-240 deg/sec. Performing the isokinetic test, graphs showing the time-dependent, angle-dependent, and speed-dependent changes in joint torque were obtained, and using this data, the work done by the joint throughout its movement, the power produced, and the angle values at which peak torque was reached were calculated. Furthermore, it has been emphasized how performance can be evaluated by interpreting various isokinetic test outputs combinedly. Correlations and significant relationships between athletic performance measurements such as explosive strength, agility, and endurance strength with isokinetic test results have been exemplified within different sports disciplines.
Isokinetic tests reveal the mechanical aspects of athletes’ athletic performance. However, the meaning of mechanical terms is not clearly known by sports scientists. Therefore, the mechanical outputs obtained from the test are also not understood in terms of athletic performance. Terms like force, torque, work done, or power produced are associated with each other, however, they indicate different athletic performance characteristics. Lack of knowledge in the meaning of these terms and their reflections on performance leads to a misinterpretation of athletes’ performance. Moreover, the misuse of terms creates a communication barrier between the biomechanics and sports science community. Therefore, this study aims to obtain the basic mechanical parameters used in isokinetic tests both through measurement and mathematical calculation methods. Additionally, the use of these parameters in terms of athletic performance has been evaluated. In this study, a pilot measurement was taken from a sprinter. The isokinetic test was applied to the dominant leg in a seated position at the knee joint at speeds of 60-120-240 deg/sec. Performing the isokinetic test, graphs showing the time-dependent, angle-dependent, and speed-dependent changes in joint torque were obtained, and using this data, the work done by the joint throughout its movement, the power produced, and the angle values at which peak torque was reached were calculated. Furthermore, it has been emphasized how performance can be evaluated by interpreting various isokinetic test outputs combinedly. Correlations and significant relationships between athletic performance measurements such as explosive strength, agility, and endurance strength with isokinetic test results have been exemplified within different sports disciplines.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güç, İş, İzokinetik test, Tepe tork, Power, Work, Isokinetic test, Peak torque
Journal of Sports Education
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