Fremde, staatsvolk, bevölkerung-völkerrechtliche grundbegriffe im wandel durch migration und integration
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Türk-Alman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Der durch historische Ereignisse wie die Französische Revolution geprägte Staat als Nation knüpft an eine Homogenität der gesellschaftlich-politischen Einheit. Dieses Volk als souveränes,,Staatsvolk‘‘ der Eigenen, grenzt sich durch seine Staatsangehörigkeit von den Fremden (Ausländern) ab, da ihm durch die einfachgesetzlich regulierbare Zuordnung demokratische Legitimation und politische Teilhaberechte zukommen. Das Beispiel Deutschlands zeigt, dass Migrationsgesellschaften diesen tradierten Zustand herausfordern, da aufgrund des hohen Ausländeranteils die Kongruenz zwischen Regierenden und Regierten nicht gegeben ist. Identitätspostulate, Einbürgerungskriterien und unterschiedliche Vorstellungen von Integration stellen auch vor Augen der Abgrenzung zur Assimilation gewisse Erschwernisse für eine Harmonisierung dieser Diskrepanz zwecks Solidarität und sozialer Akzeptanz dar. Dabei genießen die inländischen Ausländer mittlerweile größtenteils dieselben Grund- und Menschenrechte sowie sozialen Rechte wie die Eigenen. Ursächlich dafür sind Faktoren wie die Internationalisierung der Rechtsordnung, die zunehmende Bedeutung der universellen Menschenrechte sowie die Europäische Integration. Der zeitgleiche Paradigmenwechsel im Völkerrecht von der Mediatisierung des Einzelnen hin zu seiner Subjektstellung wird durch die Idee der Menschenrechte angetrieben und entwickelt zunehmend eine eigenständige rechtliche Stellung innerstaatlicher Fremder, Staatenloser und Einzelner im Völkerrecht. Dies wirft demokratie- und verfassungstheoretisch sowie menschenrechtlich begründete Zweifel am Volksbegriff auf und gibt Anlass zur Rede vom Recht der Bevölkerungen statt vom Recht der Staatsvölker. Erarbeitet wurde die Untersuchung hauptsächlich durch Literatur zur Allgemeinen Staatslehre, zum Verfassungsrecht und ihrer Theorie sowie durch teils aktuelle mediale als auch schrifttümliche Beiträge zur politisch brisanten Integrationsdebatte in Deutschland. Einhergehend damit wird richtungsweisend auf sämtliche Beschlüsse und Urteile des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, des Europäischen Gerichtshofs sowie des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte Bezug genommen. Zudem beinhaltet die Arbeit eine Vielzahl von Gegenüberstellungen, um die in der Thematik ausschlaggebenden Kontrastierungen zu unterstreichen. Angesichts der gesellschaftspolitischen Bedeutung bedient sich die Untersuchung auch an philosophischen sowie politikwissenschaftlichen Quellen und positioniert sich im Lichte der literarischen Mindermeinung zwecks verfassungsschützender Grundposition ,,gegen (radikal) rechts‘
The state as a nation, (in)directly shaped by influences such as the French Revolution, is linked to the homogeneity of a socio-political unit. This people, as a sovereign national people, distinguishes itself from the foreigners because of its nationality/citizenship since it has democratic legitimacy and political rights to participate through the simple legally regulated relation. The example of Germany shows that migration societies are challenging this traditioned status, since due to the high proportion of foreigners, there is no congruence between those who reign and those who are reigned. Identity postulates, naturalization criteria and different concepts of integration make it difficult to harmonize this discrepancy for the purpose of solidarity, also in view of the distinction from assimilation. Foreigners now largely enjoy the same fundamental and human rights as well as social rights as the own natives. This is also due to European integration. The simultaneous paradigm shift in international law, from the mediatization of the individual to his position as a subject, is driven by the idea of human rights and is increasingly developing an independent legal position for domestic aliens/foreigners, stateless persons and individuals in international law. This raises doubts about the concept of the people (Volk), that are based on human rights and democratic and constitutional theory and gives reason to talk henceforth about the rights of the populations instead of the rights of the (national) peoples of the state. The research was mainly supported by the existing literature on general theory of state, constitutional law and theory, as well as mediatic sources and concept comparisons that brought the current political debates and the concept of integration to the agenda. However, references were made to the decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. Considering the socio-political importance of the subject, the research is making use of the sources of philosophy and political science and is positioned in the light of the literary minority opinion with the goal of protecting the constitution against the "(radical) right" movement
The state as a nation, (in)directly shaped by influences such as the French Revolution, is linked to the homogeneity of a socio-political unit. This people, as a sovereign national people, distinguishes itself from the foreigners because of its nationality/citizenship since it has democratic legitimacy and political rights to participate through the simple legally regulated relation. The example of Germany shows that migration societies are challenging this traditioned status, since due to the high proportion of foreigners, there is no congruence between those who reign and those who are reigned. Identity postulates, naturalization criteria and different concepts of integration make it difficult to harmonize this discrepancy for the purpose of solidarity, also in view of the distinction from assimilation. Foreigners now largely enjoy the same fundamental and human rights as well as social rights as the own natives. This is also due to European integration. The simultaneous paradigm shift in international law, from the mediatization of the individual to his position as a subject, is driven by the idea of human rights and is increasingly developing an independent legal position for domestic aliens/foreigners, stateless persons and individuals in international law. This raises doubts about the concept of the people (Volk), that are based on human rights and democratic and constitutional theory and gives reason to talk henceforth about the rights of the populations instead of the rights of the (national) peoples of the state. The research was mainly supported by the existing literature on general theory of state, constitutional law and theory, as well as mediatic sources and concept comparisons that brought the current political debates and the concept of integration to the agenda. However, references were made to the decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. Considering the socio-political importance of the subject, the research is making use of the sources of philosophy and political science and is positioned in the light of the literary minority opinion with the goal of protecting the constitution against the "(radical) right" movement
Anahtar Kelimeler
State, Nation, Natives, Foreigners, National people, Population, Integration, Migration, Solidarity, Europe, Constitution, Fundamental rights, Human rights, Citizenship, Paradigm shift, Staat, Nation, Eigene, Fremde, Staatsvolk, Bevölkerung, Integration, Migration, Solidarität, Verfassung, Grundrechte, Menschenrechte, Staatsbürgerschaft, Paradigmenwechsel
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Sabuncu, Ertuğrul (2023). Fremde, staatsvolk, bevölkerung-völkerrechtliche grundbegriffe im wandel durch migration und integration. Türk-Alman Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.