Türk İdare Hukuku bakımından devlet memurlarının yer değiştirme suretiyle atanmasında temel hak ve hürriyetlerin etkisi
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Türk-Alman Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Devlet memurları, asli ve sürekli kamu hizmetlerinin yürütülmesinde idarenin belkemiği olarak kabul edilir. Memur statüsüne giren kişi, çerçevesi yasal düzenlemelerle belirlenmiş bir dizi görev ve sorumlulukla karşılaşır. Bunlardan birisi de memurun atandığı yerde kamu hizmetini sürekli bir şekilde yürütmesidir. Memurun görev yeri bazen idare tarafından re`sen bazen de kendi istekleri üzerine değiştirilebilmektedir. Bazı durumlarda ise memur, atama dönem ve şartları mevcut olmadan kendisi için zorlayıcı sebeplerin varlığını gerekçe göstererek görev yerini değiştirmek isteyebilir. İşte bu noktada kanun koyucu ve idare, memur için gündeme gelebilecek zorlayıcı durumları mazeret adı altında düzenlemiş ve genel atama sistemi içerisinde istisnai olarak zaman koşulu aranmadan atama yapılabilecek durumlar olarak öngörmüştür. Bu tez çalışmasının konusu, atama türlerinden birisi olan yer değiştirme suretiyle atamalarda temel hak ve hürriyetlerin etkisi olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tez çalışmamız kapsamında temel hak ve hürriyetlerin mazeret durumlarıyla ilgisi tespit edilmeye çalışılarak idarenin atama işlemleri karşısında üstün kamu yararı ve hizmet gerekleri ile bu temel hak ve hürriyetler arasında nasıl bir tartım yapıldığı ve yargı mercilerinin bu konudaki yaklaşımları ele alınmıştır.
Civil servants, the backbone of the administration, play a pivotal role in the execution of essential and continuous public services. As they transition into the civil servant status, they are entrusted with a series of duties and responsibilities, the framework of which is determined by legal regulations. One such responsibility is the continuous execution of public service in the place of appointment. The geographical position of a civil servant may be altered at times by the administration ex officio or upon the civil servant's request. In certain instances, the civil servant may seek a change in duty location, justifying the need for compelling reasons before the appointment period, provided the conditions are met. Within this framework, the legislator and the administration have established regulations for the compelling situations that may arise for civil servants, known as 'excuse ', and have anticipated situations where appointments can be made without seeking time conditions exceptionally within the general appointment system. The focus of this thesis is the intricate interplay between fundamental rights and freedoms and appointments by relocation, one of the many types of appointments. Within the scope of this thesis, the relationship between fundamental rights and freedoms and the excuse situations has been tried to be determined, and how the superior public interest and service requirements and these fundamental rights and freedoms are weighed against the appointment procedures of the administration and the approaches of the judicial authorities on this issue have been discussed.
Civil servants, the backbone of the administration, play a pivotal role in the execution of essential and continuous public services. As they transition into the civil servant status, they are entrusted with a series of duties and responsibilities, the framework of which is determined by legal regulations. One such responsibility is the continuous execution of public service in the place of appointment. The geographical position of a civil servant may be altered at times by the administration ex officio or upon the civil servant's request. In certain instances, the civil servant may seek a change in duty location, justifying the need for compelling reasons before the appointment period, provided the conditions are met. Within this framework, the legislator and the administration have established regulations for the compelling situations that may arise for civil servants, known as 'excuse ', and have anticipated situations where appointments can be made without seeking time conditions exceptionally within the general appointment system. The focus of this thesis is the intricate interplay between fundamental rights and freedoms and appointments by relocation, one of the many types of appointments. Within the scope of this thesis, the relationship between fundamental rights and freedoms and the excuse situations has been tried to be determined, and how the superior public interest and service requirements and these fundamental rights and freedoms are weighed against the appointment procedures of the administration and the approaches of the judicial authorities on this issue have been discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hukuk, Law