Hukukun performativitesi
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Performativite her ne kadar farklı anlamları ve kullanımları ile son yıllarda dil bilimi, sanat, felsefe, kültürel çalışmalar ve iletişim gibi çeşitli disiplinlerde gözde bir kavram olsa da hukuk gibi değişim ve dönüşüme direnme eğilimi olan disiplinlerde henüz yaygın kabul görmüş bir kavram değildir. Performativite kavramına sosyal ve kültürel bilimlerde duyulan ilgi, hukuk alanında daha bütüncül bir yaklaşımla hukuk kavramı üzerinden bir tartışmaya döner. Normlar hiyerarşisi, “olan” ve “olması gereken” arasındaki ayrım gibi kabullerden yola çıkarak hukuku bir sistem veya bir düzen olarak ele alan geleneksel hukuk düşüncesi karşısında, hukuk alanında performativite tartışması hukuki normativite kavramını odağına alır.
Although performativity with its diverse meanings and usages has already become a popular concept in several disciplines such as linguistics, art, philosophy, cultural studies and media studies etc. in recent years, it has not been a widely accepted concept in fields like law, with a strong tendency to resist against amendment and transformation yet. The interest of performativity concept in social and cultural sciences, turns to a debate upon the notion of law in legal studies with a more holistic view. The performativity debate in law focuses on the term of legal normativity against traditional legal thought, treating law as a system or an order, based on assumptions such as the hierarchy of norms, the distinction between “is” and “ought” etc.
Although performativity with its diverse meanings and usages has already become a popular concept in several disciplines such as linguistics, art, philosophy, cultural studies and media studies etc. in recent years, it has not been a widely accepted concept in fields like law, with a strong tendency to resist against amendment and transformation yet. The interest of performativity concept in social and cultural sciences, turns to a debate upon the notion of law in legal studies with a more holistic view. The performativity debate in law focuses on the term of legal normativity against traditional legal thought, treating law as a system or an order, based on assumptions such as the hierarchy of norms, the distinction between “is” and “ought” etc.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çap, G. (2021). Hukukun performativitesi. Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 16 (205), 1607-1633.