Boundary Spanner in Deutsch-Türkischen geschäftsbeziehungen- die schlüsselrolle für interkulturelle synergien
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Türk-Alman Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Yüksek Lisans Tezi, uluslararasılaşmış ekonomik işletmelerde kültürel farklılıkların neden olduğu Critical Incidents'ları ele alır. Özellikle Alman-Türk iş ilişkilerinde kültürel yanlış anlamalara odaklanarak, bir Alman-Türk iş ilişkisinde kültürlerarası sinerjilerin teşvik edilmesinde belirleyici bir rol olan Boundary Spanner rolüne odaklanmaktadır. "Kültürlerarası sinerji," farklı kültürlerden bireylerin başarılı bir şekilde birleşip etkileşim kurmasını ifade eder. Bu farklılıklar, örneğin geliştirilmiş iletişim, ortaklaşa geliştirilen yaratıcı çözümler, farklı kültürel bakış açıları ve yetkinliklerin sinerjisinden kaynaklanan artan verimliği içerir. Analiz, Almanya'da Bakova GmbH ve Türkiye'de Yıldırım şahıs şirketi arasındaki 15 yıllık iş ilişkisine odaklanır. Her iki şirket de kendi ülkelerinin kültüründen etkilenmektedir, bu da potansiyel sorunlar ve zorluklar doğurabilir. Çalışma, Alman ve Türk şirketleri arasındaki kültürel farklılıkları inceleyerek iş ilişkilerinde girişimcilik bağlamında ortaya çıkabilecek bu zorlukları araştırmaktadır. Boundary Spanner'ın bu iş ortaklığında kültürlerarası sinerjiyi teşvik etmedeki önemini vurgulamak üzere şirketler arasındaki sosyal ve kültürel fenomenleri nitel araştırmalarla analiz eder. Otoetnografi bir araştırma yöntemi olarak kullanılmıştır. Aynı zamanda, şirketler arasında Boundary Spanner olarak görev yapan yazarın kişisel deneyimlerinden somut örneklerle desteklenerek, bu fenomenlere detaylı bir açıklama getirilmiştir. Çalışma, bir Boundary Spanner aracılığıyla kültürel farklılıkların yapıcı bir şekilde üstesinden gelinebileceğini, etkili bir iş birliği sağlayabileceğini ve kültürlerarası sinerji yaratabileceğini göstermektedir.
This master's thesis analyses the challenges of cultural differences in internationalised business enterprises, which can lead to critical incidents due to cultural misunderstandings. A particular focus is placed on cultural misunderstandings in the context of German-Turkish business relationships. Boundary spanners in this context act as key players in promoting intercultural synergies in a German-Turkish business relationship. "Intercultural synergy" refers to the successful combination and co- operation of people from different cultures. This includes, for example, improved communication, jointly developed creative solutions and increased efficiency resulting from the synergy of different cultural perspectives and competences. The analysis was carried out based on two companies. Bakova GmbH (in Germany) and Yildirim sole proprietorship (in Turkey) have a 15-year business relationship. Both companies are characterised by the culture of their respective countries, and the differences harbour the potential for potential problems and challenges. The social and cultural phenomena between the companies were analysed using autoethnography, a qualitative research method. By describing concrete examples from the personal experience of the author, who also acts as a boundary spanner between the companies, these phenomena were described in detail. Based on the experience of the author, the case studies were prepared and analysed on the basis of relevant literature sources. This master's thesis shows that cultural differences can be constructively overcome with the help of a boundary spanners to enable effective cooperation and create intercultural synergy.
This master's thesis analyses the challenges of cultural differences in internationalised business enterprises, which can lead to critical incidents due to cultural misunderstandings. A particular focus is placed on cultural misunderstandings in the context of German-Turkish business relationships. Boundary spanners in this context act as key players in promoting intercultural synergies in a German-Turkish business relationship. "Intercultural synergy" refers to the successful combination and co- operation of people from different cultures. This includes, for example, improved communication, jointly developed creative solutions and increased efficiency resulting from the synergy of different cultural perspectives and competences. The analysis was carried out based on two companies. Bakova GmbH (in Germany) and Yildirim sole proprietorship (in Turkey) have a 15-year business relationship. Both companies are characterised by the culture of their respective countries, and the differences harbour the potential for potential problems and challenges. The social and cultural phenomena between the companies were analysed using autoethnography, a qualitative research method. By describing concrete examples from the personal experience of the author, who also acts as a boundary spanner between the companies, these phenomena were described in detail. Based on the experience of the author, the case studies were prepared and analysed on the basis of relevant literature sources. This master's thesis shows that cultural differences can be constructively overcome with the help of a boundary spanners to enable effective cooperation and create intercultural synergy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyoloji, Sociology, Uluslararası Ticaret, Boundary Spanner, Critical Incident, kültürlerarası sinerji, kültürel farklılıklar, Türkiye ve Almanya arasındaki iş ilişkisi., boundary spanners, critical incidents, intercultural synergy, cultural differences, business relationship between Turkey and Germany.