1768-1774 Osmanlı-Rus savaşı hakkında çağdaş bir kaynak
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1768-1774 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’nın askerî safahatı ülkemizde yeni yeni müstakil çalışmalara konu olmaktadır. Diğer yandan savaşa dair birçok çağdaş Batı kaynağı da mevcuttur, fakat bunlardan bazıları incelenmemiştir. Bu kaynaklardan biri, önde gelen Venedikli Aydınlanmacılar arasında yer alan Domenico Caminer’in İtalyanca hazırladığı ve Antonio Graziosi tarafından 1770 yılında 10 fasıl hâlinde basılan Storia della guerra presente tra la Russia e la porta Ottomana (Rusya ve Bâbıâli Arasındaki Mevcut Savaşın Tarihi) isimli eserdir. Aynı eser bir süre sonra Christoph Heinrich Korn ve Johann Christoph Schmidlin tarafından Almanca’ya tercüme edilmiş, genişletilerek peyderpey 1771-1775 yılları arasında 36 fasıl hâlinde ve 3.008 sayfa olarak basılmıştır. Daha savaş devam ederken neşredilmeye başlanmış olan bu kaynak Osmanlı askerî ve siyasî tarihi açısından kıymetli olup mercek altına alınmaya değerdir. Bu kaynak sayesinde Küçük Kaynarca Antlaşması’yla son bulan muharebeye dair yeni bilgiler elde etmek ve bazı eksikliklerimizi ikmal etmek mümkün olacaktır. Bu nedenle bu makalede, 1768-1774 Osmanlı-Rus Harbi’ni konu edinen söz konusu çağdaş Alman kaynağın bir özeti verilmektedir.
The military phases of the Ottoman-Russian War of 1768-1774 have only recently become the subject of separate studies in Turkey. Conversely, there are many contemporary sources about the war, but some of them have not been researched. One of these sources is Storia della guerra presente tra la Russia e la porta Ottomana (History of the present war between Russia and the Ottoman Porte), prepared in Italian by the Venetian Domenico Caminer, a leading figure of the Venetian Enlightenment, and published in 10 chapters by Antonio Graziosi in 1770. The same work was shortly afterwards translated into German by Christoph Heinrich Korn and Johann Christoph Schmidlin, expanded and published gradually in 36 chapters and 3,008 pages between 1771-1775. This publication, which was published during the war, is valuable in terms of Ottoman military and political history and needs to be analyzed. On account of this source, it will be possible to acquire new information about the battle that ended with the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji, and fill in some of our gaps. Therefore, a summary of the contemporary mentioned source about the Ottoman-Russian War of 1768-1774 is given in this article.
The military phases of the Ottoman-Russian War of 1768-1774 have only recently become the subject of separate studies in Turkey. Conversely, there are many contemporary sources about the war, but some of them have not been researched. One of these sources is Storia della guerra presente tra la Russia e la porta Ottomana (History of the present war between Russia and the Ottoman Porte), prepared in Italian by the Venetian Domenico Caminer, a leading figure of the Venetian Enlightenment, and published in 10 chapters by Antonio Graziosi in 1770. The same work was shortly afterwards translated into German by Christoph Heinrich Korn and Johann Christoph Schmidlin, expanded and published gradually in 36 chapters and 3,008 pages between 1771-1775. This publication, which was published during the war, is valuable in terms of Ottoman military and political history and needs to be analyzed. On account of this source, it will be possible to acquire new information about the battle that ended with the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji, and fill in some of our gaps. Therefore, a summary of the contemporary mentioned source about the Ottoman-Russian War of 1768-1774 is given in this article.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Osmanlı-Rus Harbi, Askerî tarih, Domenico caminer, Christoph Heinrich Korn, XVIII. Yüzyıl., Russo-Ottoman war, Military history, Domenico Caminer, Christoph Heinrich Korn, XVIIIth Century
Harp Tarihi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Ercan, Hüseyin Onur (2022). 1768-1774 Osmanlı-Rus savaşı hakkında çağdaş bir kaynak. Harp Tarihi Dergisi içerisinde 6, 29-63.