Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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Güncel Gönderiler

Listeleniyor 1 - 20 / 84
  • Öğe
    Analysis of the short-term and long-term impacts of the coronavirus crisis on international climate policy
    (2022) İlkılıç, Zehra Aşkınsena; Knoll, Manuel Andreas
    Koronavirüs pandemisi nedeniyle tüm dünyada çok sayıda geniş çaplı önlemler alınmıştır. Hükümetlerin koronavirüsü kontrol altına alma girişimleri diğer önemli politika alanlarının ihmal edilmesine neden olmuştur. Özellikle iklim politikası bu süreçte devletlerin siyasi gündemlerinde önemini kaybetmiştir. Zaman içinde koronavirüs tıbbi önlemler nedeniyle ya yok olacak ya da baştaki etkisini kaybedecektir. Bu makalede, koronavirüsün ortaya çıkmasından iki yıl sonra, koronavirüs krizinin uluslararası iklim politikasına kısa ve uzun vadeli etkileri analiz edilerek değerlendirilmektedir. Bu bağlamda pandeminin uluslararası iklim politikasını nasıl şekillendirdiğini ve iklim değişikliği ile mücadelede hangi derslerin alınabileceğini analiz etmek önemlidir. Analiz, Uluslararası İklim Değişikliği Rejimi’nin ilkelerine ve düzenli işleyişi temel alınarak gerçekleştirilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Aydınlanmacı mutlakiyetin özel bir türü olarak Josephinizm ve Joseph Freiherr Von Sonnenfels’in Josephinizm’e katkısı
    (2024) Kutay, Muhammed Tacettin
    This study is about Enlightened Absolutism, which has profoundly influenced contemporary European society, from its political system to its social institutions, and Josephinism, the authentic version of Enlightened Absolutism implemented in Austria. Josephinism is a term that refers to the reforms implemented by the Holy Roman German Emperor Joseph II and is distinguished from the Enlightened Absolutism of his contemporaries by the special meaning it attributed to both Catholicism and State-Church relations. Joseph Freiherr von Sonnenfels, as one of the leading ideologues of Josephinism, played an important role in the restructuring of the modern state, the formation of the bureaucracy, the reorganisation of state-Church relations and the regulation of social relations according to Enlightenment principles. Despite its importance, there is no specific work published in Turkish on either Josephinism or Sonnenfels. The aim of our study is to refer to the distinctive features of the concept of Josephinism, to refer to the role played by Sonnenfels during the period of Josephinism and to identify the individual characteristics that led him to this goal.
  • Öğe
    Apartheid suçları ve etnik ayrımcılık: İsrail örneği
    (2024) Sarı, Ayhan
    Israel's response to the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023, which includes practices that could be considered genocide and massacres, has led to serious global debates on the concept of apartheid regime. This article examines the origins of racial discrimination, which forms the backbone of the apartheid crime, considering international conventions. Initially, considering the studies in the field of social psychology, it was understood that ethnic-based groupings are more about maximizing the distinction from other groups rather than maximum benefit. When the findings are examined specifically in the context of the Israel-Palestine issue, it is understood that Israel promotes the identity of the 'accepted Jew' and discriminates against all other ethnic groups outside of this identity. Not only Palestinian Arabs but also Jews of African and Middle Eastern origin have been subjected to ethnic discrimination in Israel. In light of the reports prepared by international institutions and organizations, especially the United Nations, when the discrimination against Palestinians is examined, it is seen that Palestinians are subjected to systematic discrimination enshrined in the Israeli constitution. Palestinians face various levels of apartheid regime in three different spheres of influence: Palestinian citizens living in Israel, Palestinians with permanent residency living in East Jerusalem, and Palestinians struggling to live in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. Especially Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza are subjected to almost all the crimes defined as apartheid crimes in international conventions. Israel's land policy, the dual legal system that can be summarized as Jews and nonJews, and various occupation policies focused on dividing and exiling Palestinians constitute the main backbone of apartheid crimes.
  • Öğe
    Bir gravür üzerinden Cânibî Ali Paşa’nın Viyana’ya alayla girişinin detayları
    (2024) Ercan, Hüseyin Onur
    The entry of Ottoman envoys into the imperial capital Vienna by parade was carried out on a specific day and according to certain rules of ceremony, following the negotiations of the envoys with the Kaiser's officials at Schwechat, the nearest station to the city. This ceremony was a very important part of diplomatic missions, as was the delivery of sultanic letters to the Habsburg monarch. At least until the mid-18th century, the entry into the city was watched by a large crowd lined up along the route of the cortege, and the details of the ceremony were reflected in contemporary reports, letters and newspapers, especially in the Habsburg register of ceremonies. Due to the development of copper engraving (Kupferstich) in Europe, it was increasingly used to depict such ceremonies. By 1740, the level of detail that engraving was able to reveal was reminiscent of a photograph. This article, after analyzing the engravings of two former ambassadors Ibrahim pashas who came to Vienna in the 18th-century, discusses the entry of the Ottoman ambassador Cânibî Ali Pasha into Vienna on August 23, 1740 with 922 people and a huge caravan of 1200 mounts and pack animals on the basis of the excellent and annotated engraving by the German engraver Elias Baeck, which shows the procession in 14 rows with 99 ranks.
  • Öğe
    PKKda kadın teröristlerin rolü ve örgüt içi cinsel istismar
    (Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 2021) Bayraklı, Enes; Alkanat, Aslıhan
    Terör örgütleri mevcudiyetlerini devam ettirebilmek için sürekli yeni elemanlar devşirmeye muhtaçtırlar. 20. yüzyılda kadının toplumsal hayattaki ve iş hayatındaki rolünün artmasının da etkisiyle terör örgütleri kadınları örgüt içerisinde çeşitli rollerde kullanmıştır. Savaşmalarının yanı sıra çoğu zaman ikincil rollerde - kuryelik, aşçılık, temizlikçi vb. - kullanılan kadınlar, intihar saldırılarını gerçekleştirmede çeşitli avantajlara sahip olmalarından dolayı bu eylemlerde de sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir. Ayrıca bazı terör örgütlerinde kadınlar, cinsel kimlikleri ön plana çıkarılarak “yem” veya “cinsel köle” olarak da kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmada PKK’da kadın teröristlerin intihar saldırılarındaki kullanımı ve örgüt içerisinde maruz kaldıkları cinsel istismar ele alınmaktadır. Çalışmanın ana argümanı örgüt lideri Abdullah Öcalan tarafından yapılan kadın tanımlamasının gerçeği yansıtmadığı, PKK’da kadın-erkek eşitliğinin bulunmadığı ve kadınların sıklıkla cinsel istismara maruz kaldığı yönündedir. Terör çalışmaları ve kadın konusunda literatürde PKK üzerine sınırlı sayıda çalışma olması ve çoğunlukla örgütün cinsel istismar suçlarının göz ardı edilmesi nedeniyle bu çalışmanın literatürde önemli bir boşluğu dolduracağı düşünülmektedir
  • Öğe
    Avrupalı aktörlerin Barış Pınarı Harekâtına karşı politikalarının analizi
    (SAVSAD Savunma Ve Savaş Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022) Bayraklı, Enes; Alkanat, Aslıhan
    Türkiye’nin Suriye’nin kuzeyini terörist unsurlardan temizleyerek güvenli bölge oluşturmak, mültecilerin geri dönüşünü kolaylaştırmak, bölgede DEAŞ’ın faaliyetlerini engellemek ve PKK/YPG’nin hareket alanını kısıtlamak amacıyla 9 Ekim 2019 tarihinde başlatmış olduğu Barış Pınarı Harekâtı’na (BPH) Avrupalı aktörlerden birçok tepki gelmiştir. Bu tepkiler çoğunlukla Türkiye’nin gerçekleştirmiş olduğu operasyonun uluslararası hukuka aykırı olduğu, DEAŞ ile mücadelede YPG’nin zayıflayacağı iddialarına ek olarak Yabancı Terörist Savaşçıların vatandaşı oldukları ülkelere geri dönmesi ile bu durumun siyasi, hukuki ve toplumsal sorunlara sebep olacağına ve Avrupa’ya yeni bir göç dalgasına sebep olabileceğine dair çekinceleri içermektedir. Çalışmada öncelikle Barış Pınarı Harekâtı uluslararası hukuk ve BM Anlaşması’nın 51. Maddesinde yer alan “meşru müdafaa” ilkesi kapsamında değerlendirilmekte, ardından AB ve AB’nin önde gelen aktörleri olan Almanya, Fransa ve İngiltere’nin Barış Pınarı Harekâtı’na yönelik politikaları incelenmektedir.
  • Öğe
    From “Economic Consequences” to the “Personal Impact” Frame: Representation of Turkey in the German media
    (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2016) Turhan, Ebru; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem
    The relationship between Germany and Turkey has a long history and a unique character due to the strong political, economic, and societal connections between the two countries and two-way migration flows. Ebbs and flows dominate the German-Turkish dialogue because of the multifaceted nature of this relationship, and these fluctuations are reflected in and influenced by framings in the media of both countries. Media framings are particularly significant for policy-making and hint at a government’s issue-specific preferences since although frames can be transmitted from the public and media levels to the governmental level, top-down framings are more likely to occur (Entman 2003).
  • Öğe
    Turkish foreign policy towards the Arab spring: Between western orientation and regional disorder,
    (Routledge Taylor Francis Group, 2017) Turhan, Ebru
    Turkey’s foreign policy approach towards the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been predicated on an integrationist vision through cooperation and dialogue over the past decade. The Arab Spring significantly challenged Turkey’s role as a strategic interconnector and set the stage for broader debates on foreign policy orientation. This paper suggests that any fair assessment of Ankara’s performance in the MENA must take into account the significant constraints imposed on Turkish foreign policy objectives by regional power rivalries and growing Western detachment from the region. The paper sheds light on the impact of global and regional powers’ responses to the Arab Spring for Middle Eastern order and outlines a possible trajectory for the transformation of Turkish foreign policy to ensure effective Turkish activism in the post-Arab Spring environment.
  • Öğe
    With or without Turkey? The many determinants of the official German position on Turkey’s EU accession process
    (Nomos, 2019) Turhan, Ebru
    Germany and Turkey are unique partners which are tied to each other by means of a complex interdependence in economic, political and societal spheres. This spans from trade and direct investment partnership and regular collaboration under the umbrella of many international organizations and alliances such as the Group of Twenty (G20), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the anti-IS coalition to efforts to eliminate shared concerns related to cross-border terrorism and the multidimensional consequences of the refugee crisis as well as joint actions within the framework of the EU’s various military and civilian missions. Official German position on Turkish membership in the European Union (EU) and its prolonged accession process constitutes an important aspect of GermanTurkish relations, as well, and nurtures the already complex state of bilateral dialogue between both countries, as each dimension serves as a setting for the exchange of diverging and converging German and Turkish preferences and interests. Germany’s official standing on Turkey’s EU accession process has been of key importance for both Turkey and the member states of the EU as a result of the institutional engineering of the EU’s enlargement politics.
  • Öğe
    German-Turkish relations – intermestic, interdependent, intricate
    (Nomos, 2019) Turhan, Ebru
    In recent years the German-Turkish dialogue has been increasingly becoming subject to German, Turkish and European political, academic, public and media debates. The bilateral relationship has been in fact attracting attention for many decades taking into consideration the multidimensional complex interdependence between both countries and a vicious cycle of ebbs and flows that has dominated German-Turkish relations. The overarching evolution of the bilateral dialogue between Germany and Turkey has been a journey with numerous crossroads as throughout the contemporary history moments of conflict between both countries were followed by an era of rapprochement and intensified interest-oriented collaboration which was yet again succeeded by another period of disagreement and estrangement based on diverging preferences and interests. Whereas various phases of conflict, convergence or standstill could also be observed in the overarching relationship between Turkey and the European Union (EU), the German-Turkish dialogue has experienced sharper, more clear-cut Uturns and transitions.
  • Öğe
    Germany’s domesticated European Policy: Implications for the EU and Turkey
    (Nomos, 2019) Turhan, Ebru
    The relations between Germany and Turkey are deep-rooted, multidimensional, and intricate. The uniqueness and intricacy of the bilateral dialogue between the two countries largely stem from the continuous rollercoaster ride the two have shared over many decades. A puzzling love affair exists between both countries, exhibiting alternating phases of regression and rapprochement driven by the paradoxical co-existence of specific interdependencies and (at times) diverging preferences. Due to Germany’s influence in the EU, its policy towards Turkey has important implications for Turkey’s relations with the EU. Thus, throughout recent history, the shifts and continuities in outlook in Berlin have been carefully monitored by successive Turkish governments.
  • Öğe
    Current trends and future prospects for EU–Turkey relations: Conditions for a cooperative relationship
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) Turhan, Ebru; Reiners, Wulf
    This chapter summarizes the key insights derived from a three-dimensional perspective on EU–Turkey relations that combines the analytical lenses of (1) theories and concepts, (2) institutions, and (3) policies. It furthermore reflects upon the different periodizations of the EU–Turkey relationship. On this basis, we offer a systematic survey of the conditions under which cooperative trends in EU–Turkey relations could be (re)invigorated. The analysis shows that despite the high potential for reciprocity inside and outside the accession framework, the relationship currently rests on unfavorable conditions for cooperation on both sides. Important enablers of cooperative behavior—trust, communication, reputation, fairness, enforcement, and common identity—cannot properly operate in the current setup. The chapter puts forward possible means to allow for these enablers to facilitate cooperative behavior in EU–Turkey relations in the future. It concludes by discussing the future trajectory of the relationship and pinpointing avenues for a future research agenda for EU–Turkey studies.
  • Öğe
    Unpacking the new complexities of EU–Turkey relations: Merging theories, institutions, and policies
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) Turhan, Ebru
    This chapter presents the rationale, objectives, and structure of this volume and introduces the reader to the new complexities that epitomize EU–Turkey relations. To this end, it provides a set of guiding questions for the volume, offers a systematic overview of the major milestones in the EU–Turkey relationship, and classifies the key determinants of these developments under three categories: multilateral frameworks and external crises, internal EU and Turkish domestic developments, and EU–Turkey bilateral processes. The chapter then introduces the three-dimensional approach of the volume that brings together the analytical lenses of (1) theories and concepts, (2) institutions, and (3) policies based on a comprehensive survey of both key primary sources and academic literature dealing with the relationship. In a final step, the chapter presents the ensuing fifteen contributions to the volume.
  • Öğe
    The European Council as a key driver of EU–Turkey relations: Central functions, internal dynamics, and evolving preferences
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) Turhan, Ebru
    With its central functions and wide-ranging activities within the political system of the European Union (EU), the European Council has turned into the key EU institution in framing and shaping EU–Turkey relations. Since its establishment in 1974, it has been making the most fundamental and far-reaching decisions on the EU–Turkey relationship. The influence of the European Council in EU–Turkey relations is derived from its role and status in EU decision-making. No institution other than the European Council has enjoyed so much ‘explicit political leadership in the EU process’ (Wallace, 2010: 82), gradually expanded its functions beyond the legal provisions enshrined in treaties, and evolved into a ‘living institution’. As a ‘place of power […] where great European debate takes place on a one-to-one basis’ (de Schoutheete, 2012a: 22), the European Council is composed of the Heads of State or Government1 of the member states, its President, and the President of the European Commission (Art. 15(2) Treaty on European Union, TEU). It sets the strategic direction of the Union, amends EU treaties, and takes over key agendasetting and decision-making functions in enlargement policy and ‘new areas of EU activity’ including economic governance and foreign affairs (Fabbrini & Puetter, 2016: 482).
  • Öğe
    The implications of the refugee crisis for Turlish German relations: An analysis of the critical ebbs and flows in the bilateral dialogue
    (Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 2018) Turhan, Ebru
    This article analyses the implications of the refugee crisis for the scope and key features of the relationship between Turkey and Germany and defines the critical ebbs and flows that Turkish-German bilateral dialogue has experienced during the crisis era. In doing so, it also evaluates the challenges and opportunities that have emerged for both parties from efforts for enhanced collaboration on finding a common solution to migrants’ entering into the EU irregularly. The article first provides an overview of the evolution of the refugee crisis, its transformation into a crisis of the EU and the roles played by Turkey and Germany in its evolution and prospective management. It then evaluates in three successive eras the changes and continuities in the Turkish-German dialogue: a) Contemporary Turkish-German dialogue until the emergence of a “European” refugee crisis b) Bilateral relations throughout the crisis ahead of the announcement of the “EU-Turkey Statement”, widely known as the EU-Turkey “refugee deal” and c) Turkish-German relations after the initiation of the deal. In the final part some concluding remarks are made concerning the future of Turkish-German relations and the future of the EU-Turkey “deal” by taking into account the findings of the previous parts of this article.
  • Öğe
    Entegre sınır yönetimi ve frontex ile ilişkiler bağlamında Türkiye'nin AB ile harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonu
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2022) Turhan, Ebru; Yıldız Oğuzalp, Ayselin Gözde
    Türkiye’nin sınır yönetimi konusunda AB ile harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonunun sınırlarını ve belirleyici faktörlerini Entegre Sınır Yönetimi (ESY) sisteminin uygulanması ve AB Sınır ve Sahil Güvenlik Ajansı (FRONTEX) ile işlevsel işbirliğinin durumu kapsamında analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yöntem: Makalenin kuramsal bölümünde, harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon ve belirleyici faktörleri, farklı politika aktarımı modelleri ve literatür haritalandırılması üzerinden kavramsallaştırılmaktadır. Ampirik bölümdeyse, ESY’nin uygulanması ve FRONTEX ile işbirliği konularında gerçekleşen farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonun kapsamı Avrupa Komisyonu Türkiye ilerleme/ülke raporları temel alınarak incelenmektedir. Entegrasyonun kapsamını ve sınırlarını etkileyen faktörler, makalenin kuramsal bölümünde gerçekleştirilen haritalandırmadan yararlanılarak ele alınmaktadır. Bulgular: Makalenin ana bulgusu, cazip ve güvenilir teşviklerin Türkiye’nin sınır yönetimi konusunda AB ile entegrasyonunu kolaylaştırırken, sektörel siyasallaşmanın ve öngörülen yüksek uyum maliyetlerinin harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonu olumsuz etkilediğidir. Özgünlük: AB-Türkiye ilişkilerinin ele alındığı yazında, harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon konusundaki kuramsal çalışmalar az sayıda olmakla birlikte, oldukça da yeni bir alandır. Bunun ötesinde, kuramsal tartışmaları farklı politika alanları bağlamında inceleyen sınırlı sayıda ampirik çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu makale, AB-Türkiye ilişkilerini, göç ve sınır yönetimi gibi oldukça önemli ve güncel bir politika alanında, harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon tartışmaları bağlamında inceleyerek özellikle Türkçe yazına önemli ve özgün bir katkı sağlamaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye’de siyasi partiler ve Suriyeli mülteciler: Zorlu 10 yılın analizi
    (İletişim Yayınları, 2022) Demirtaş, Birgül
    [Özet yok]
  • Öğe
    Turkish–Balkan interactions: Impact of historical legacy, global (Dis) order, and agency
    (Springer, 2022) Demirtaş, Birgül
    In 2020, as the world was trying to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of climate change including numerous floods and forest fires seemed to have come to a truly alarming point. Both the global health crisis and human-made natural disasters are just two examples of the nontraditional threats faced by humanity. These asymmetrical threats keep pushing the states to implement fundamental changes in their approach toward world politics. In fact, countries’ performance in terms of their responses to these crises will affect the success of their foreign policy as well.