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Öğe Comparative Analysis of Financial Inclusion by Genders in Turkey and the European Union(Shaker Verlag, 2024) Özdemir, Mehmet Hakan; Tuzcuoğlu, Tolga; Yavrucu, Erencan; Bayrak Meydanoğlu, Ela Sibel; Öztürk, Rıza; Zamantılı Nayır, Dilek; Klein, MügeVarious factors, including demographic change, globalization, and cultural practices based on race, age, ethnicity, religion, or gender, emphasize their impact on societies and businesses. This has heightened the importance of diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace. Organizations striving to support diverse groups view these values as interconnected, leading to better-equipped companies that can face challenges, attract top talent, and meet diverse customer needs. Implementing a strategy for workplace diversity yields benefits such as improved business performance, productivity, customer understanding, recruitment from a broader candidate pool, team innovation, and effective problem-solving. Additionally, diversity, equality, and inclusion significantly impact talent retention, decision-making quality, and employee motivation. Businesses aiming for diverse and inclusive environments must integrate these principles into their corporate strategy. In parallel, the Turkish-German University, in collaboration with Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts, hosted a conference on "Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion" in Istanbul, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The conference provided a platform for academics and practitioners to discuss current issues related to the topic from various perspectives, with the presented academic papers forming the chapters of this book.Öğe Elektrikli araçlar için dinamik gezgin satıcı problemi üzerine bir çalışma(Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi, 2022) Yavrucu, Erencan; Ünal, Volkan; Soysal, Mehmet; Çimen, MustafaElektrikli araçlar, konvansiyonel araçlara oranla çevreye daha az zarar vermelerinden dolayı son yıllarda özellikle şehir içinde lojistik operasyonlarda sıklıkla kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Hem araç teknolojilerindeki gelişim hem de bilgi teknolojilerindeki ilerleme sayesinde araçlardan anlık olarak elde edilen veriler, araç rotalaması yapılırken daha verimli ve daha az maliyetli dağıtım rotalarının oluşumuna temel oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmada elektrikli araçlar için Gezgin Satıcı Problemi, seyahat esnasında araç hızlarının dinamik olarak değişebildiği varsayımıyla ele alınmış, bu problem için bir Dinamik Programlama modeli geliştirilmiştir. Aracın enerji tüketimi; boş araç ağırlığı, yol durumu, çekiş gücü, sürücü deneyimi gibi unsurlardan oluşan bir enerji tüketim fonksiyonu ile detaylı olarak modele dahil edilmiştir. Büyük ölçekli problemlerin çözümü için bir Kısıtlı Dinamik Programlama – Bağlantı Eleme Yaklaşımı algoritması önerilmiş, önerilen algoritma literatürde sıkça çalışılan 90 problem üzerinde uygulanmış ve bu problemlerin 51 tanesinde önerilen algoritmanın Kısıtlı Dinamik Programlama algoritmasından daha iyi sonuçlar ürettiği gözlenmiştir.Öğe Heterojen müşteri segmentleri ve talep belirsizliği varsayımlarıyla ağ tasarımı problem için bir model önerisi(3. Sektör Sosyal Ekonomik Dergisi, 2023) Yavrucu, Erencan; Kazanç, Hande Cansın; Soysal, MehmetTalep belirsizliği varsayımı altında aralarında yatay iş birliği bulunan üst düzey müşteriler, orta düzey müşteriler ve temel düzey müşteriler şeklinde heterojen müşteri segmentlerine sahip, dağıtım kanalı seçimi, dağıtım planlaması, envanter, aktarma ve atama kararlarını içeren ağ tasarımı problemine yönelik bir doğrusal tam sayılı programlama modeli geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen matematiksel modelin sunulmasının ardından, ele alınan ağ tasarımı problemi genel amaçlı bir çözücü kullanılarak bir örnek olay ve bu örnek olaydan türetilen farklı senaryolar için çözülmüştür. Ardından, örnek olay çözümü ve senaryo çözümlerine yönelik nümerik analizler yapılmış, modelin işlevselliği gösterilmiş ve belirlenen temel performans kriterleri üzerinden değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Nümerik analizler sonucunda, benzer karar süreçlerini içeren durumlarla karşılaşan karar vericiler için müşteri segmentasyonu ve yatay iş birliğinin önemi ortaya koyulmuştur. Üst düzey müşteriler arasında ve üst düzey müşterilerden orta düzey müşterilere ürün aktarımı seçeneğinin bulunmamasının toplam maliyeti yükselttiği görülmüştür. Bu sebeple, tedarik zinciri elemanları arasında kurulan yatay iş birliklerinin toplam ağ maliyetinde iyileşme sağladığı söylenebilmektedir.Öğe Modeling a closed-loop inventory routing problem for returnable transport items under horizontal logistics collaborations and dynamic demand structure(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024) Yavrucu, Erencan; Soysal, Mehmet; Sel, Cagri; Cimen, Mustafa; Hamzadayi, AlperThis paper addresses a closed-loop inventory routing problem with multiple suppliers, products, and periods under horizontal collaboration assumptions. Our problem encompasses various decision aspects, including routing, inventory management, product delivery, returnable transport item collection and cleaning. We analyze various logistics collaboration scenarios. The effects of demand dynamicity are also assessed. The problem has been mathematically defined as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model. A rolling horizon approach and a hybrid heuristic algorithm are proposed for instances that exceed the computational requirements of solving the exact MILP model. The applicability and potential benefits of the MILP model and the proposed solution methodologies are demonstrated through a base case and additional numerical analyses on larger-sized instances and networks. The results show that supplier collaboration significantly reduces routing costs, while customer collaboration reduces inventory costs. Numerical comparisons reveal that the proposed algorithms outperform the MILP model for large-scale problem instances.Öğe Ranking the European Union Countries in terms of Human Development by Using TOPSIS and EDAS and Combining these Rankings with the Borda Count Method(Gece Kitaplığı, 2022) Yavrucu, Erencan; Özdemir, Mehmet HakanThere are conventional measures such as income per capita and the rate of economic growth to determine the economic development of a country. Nonetheless, income per capita turned out to be a poor indicator for human development successes over time. It is often true that in countries with high income per capita people live longer and get better education. However, when only income per capita is taken as indicator, inter-country comparisons can sometimes be problematic because some countries with high income per capita have low levels of human development or vice versa (UNDP, 2015). In 1990, the Human Development Report Office (HDRO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) published the first annual Human Development Report (HDR) in which the Human Development Index (HDI) was launched as an alternative to the aforementioned conventional measures (Stanton, 2007; UNDP 2015). In these reports, the necessity of putting human in the center of national and global development policies is emphasized. It is aimed to attract the attention of the international community in order to increase the quality of life of human beings. Moreover, it is emphasized that it is important to prepare development plans by governments, non-governmental organizations, academic circles and media organizations, especially in recent years. Comparing the development levels of countries, attention is drawn to the concept of human development.Öğe The asset allocation preferences of mutual fund managers in the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic periods(Peter Lang, 2022) Tuzcuoğlu, Tolga; Yavrucu, Erencan; Özdemir, Mehmet Hakan; Klein, Müge; Bayrak Meydanoğlu, Ela Sibel; Zamantılı Nayır, Dilek; Öztürk, RızaThe Covid-19 pandemic has not only affected the health and life of people around the world but also many areas such as the economy, the way of doing business, working life, the education sector, the urban life, and consumer consumption habits. Digital technologies and solutions also played an important role in the changes brought about by the pandemic. Digitization has brought its own challenges in this context. Being aware of this issue, Turkish-German University (TGU) hosted a conference on “Digital Challenges and Strategies in a Post-Pandemic World” in cooperation with Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences in Istanbul. The conference offered a platform for academicians as well as practitioners to discuss the current issues related to new digital applications, the impact of digitization, digital challenges, and necessary measures, as well as strategies to overcome these challenges in a post-pandemic world. The academic papers presented in the conference constitute the chapters of this book.Öğe The significance of renewable energy for financial sustainability: A time series analysis(Shaker Verlag, 2023) Yavrucu, Erencan; Özdemir, Mehmet Hakan; Tuzcuoğlu, Tolga; Zamantılı Nayır, Dilek; Klein, Müge; Bayrak Meydanoğlu, Ela Sibel; Öztürk, RızaCompanies are increasingly considering the importance of sustainability in its environmental, economic, and social dimensions. To maintain an environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable world for future generations, companies need to integrate these concepts into their business strategies. Being aware of this issue, Turkish-German University (TGU) hosted a conference on “Sustainability in Business Management” in cooperation with Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences in Istanbul. The conference offered a platform for academicians as well as practitioners to discuss the current issues related to sustainability in the business environment from different perspectives. The academic papers presented at the conference constitute the chapters of this book.