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Öğe A Hybrid Fuzzy MCDM Approach for Sustainable Health Tourism Sites Evaluation(IGI Global, 2022) Taş, Mehmet AliFuzzy logic, which is based on the concept of fuzzy set, has enabled scientists to create models under conditions of imprecision, vagueness, or both at once. As a result, it has now found many important applications in almost all sectors of human activity, becoming a complementary feature and supporter of probability theory, which is suitable for modelling situations of uncertainty derived from randomness. Fuzzy mathematics has also significantly developed at the theoretical level, providing important insights into branches of traditional mathematics like algebra, analysis, geometry, topology, and more. With such widespread applications, fuzzy sets and logic are an important area of focus in mathematics. The Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications of Fuzzy Sets and Logic studies recent theoretical advances of fuzzy sets and numbers, fuzzy systems, fuzzy logic and their generalizations, extensions, and more. This book also explores the applications of fuzzy sets and logic applied to science, technology, and everyday life to further provide research on the subject. This book is ideal for mathematicians, physicists, computer specialists, engineers, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students who are looking to learn more about fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, and their applications.Öğe A hybrid machine learning and fuzzy inference approach with UAV for indoor virus contamination risk(2023) Çakır, Esra; Erdi, Furkan; Demircioğlu, Emre; Taş, Mehmet AliWith the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, major established health rituals were forced to transform. The most well-known of these is the medical mask, which is widely used and required to be worn in designated areas. Although pandemic regulations have been relaxed recently, health authorities agree that wearing masks, especially in closed areas, is a life-saving measure. Proper use of face masks is one of the most effective, easy and inexpensive actions to prevent the rapid spread of viruses indoors. By examining the use of masks in closed areas, the risk of transmission of the virus can be analyzed, and the measures can be determined correctly. Taking advantage of up-to-date technological equipment and approaches are important tools for making these determinations accurately and easily. In this study, the risk of indoor virus transmission from mask wearing styles is analyzed with an integrated method that includes Machine Learning (ML) and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) approach. In order to achieve this, images taken from the camera of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), which is one of the current technologies suitable for contactless, mobile operations, were used. While determining the mask wearing status with the help of machine learning over the images, the ambient temperature and the mask wearing ratio gave the risk results with the fuzzy inference system. The results are intended to guide decision makers in identifying and implementing measures to reduce and prevent the spread of the virus indoors.Öğe A Systematic Literature Review Of Green Supplier Selection Practices(Akademisyen Yayınevi, 2021) Taş, Mehmet Ali; Akcan, SerapThe supply chains established by the enterprises to continue their activities are turning into green supply chains with the change in the environmental perspective. Identifying suppliers is a difficult problem when establishing green supply chains. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods (AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR, etc.) can be used to solve these problems (Akcan & Taş, 2019). In addition to these, various methods can be implemented to make this decision. Opinions of different numbers of experts (decision-makers) can be consulted, the number of alternative suppliers taken into consideration may vary according to the problem addressed, etc. For this reason, it is seen that many parameters are involved in green supplier selection practices.Öğe Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatının Lojistik üzerindeki Etkilerini CIMO-Logic ile Analizi(Osman SAĞDIÇ, 2022) Taş, Mehmet Ali; Aylak, Batin LatifAvrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı (AYM), Avrupa'yı 2050 yılına kadar karbon-nötr haline gelen ilk kıta haline getirmeyi amaçlayan bir dizi mevzuat ve politika kılavuzudur. AYM’ye göre, sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedefine ulaşmak için çeşitli alanlarda değişiklik ve dönüşümler öngörülmektedir. Lojistik sektörünün de odak noktası, bu mutabakata uygun olarak eko-lojistik olarak da bilinen yeşil lojistiğe kaymıştır. Söz konusu kavram, depolama, nakliye ve diğer lojistik faaliyetlerin çevresel etkisini en aza indirmek için lojistik endüstrisi tarafından uygulanan sürdürülebilir yaklaşımları tanımlamaktadır. AYM'nin lojistik üzerindeki etkileri incelenmeli ve daha iyi sonuçlar verebilecek uygulamalar geliştirilmelidir. Bu çalışmada, süreçlerin incelenmesini ve bilimsel kanıt sunulmasını sağlayan tasarım bilimi araştırma yaklaşımlarından biri olan CIMO-Logic'ten yararlanılmıştır. Çalışma bulgularının, mutabakatın lojistik uygulamaları üzerindeki etkilerini ortaya koymaya yardımcı olması amaçlanmaktadır.Öğe Circular intuitionistic fuzzy decision making and its application(Expert Systems with Applications, 2023) Çakır, Esra; Taş, Mehmet AliCircular intuitionistic fuzzy set (C-IFS) is introduced by Atanassov in 2020 as an extension of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. It is represented by a circle with a radius (r) of each element consist of degrees of membership and nonmembership. Several MCDM methods based on distance measures of C-IFS are already proposed in the literature. The primary objective of this study is the development, with the use of the C-IFS, of a new formulation of functions to form a novel C-IFS multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method. In addition to the existing literature, this study contributes to circular intuitionistic fuzzy sets by proposing some formulations on radius calculation and a new defuzzification function for C-IFS. The optimistic and pessimistic points are also defined on the set to identify a novel score function and an accuracy function with decision-makers attitude (?). When the perspective of the decision-maker (?) approaches 1, it means that C-IFS is defuzzified close to its optimistic point, and when the perspective (?) approaches 0, it is defuzzified close to the pessimistic point of C-IFS. With the use of these functions, a novel C-IFS MCDM method is presented based on criteria weighting and alternative ranking algorithms. This technique is applied to a supplier selection problem for a seamless supply chain network. A sensitivity analysis is also performed to test the effect of parameter changes on the final results. The findings of the study are compared with the results of a classical IFS-MCDM model. Since C-IFS is an extension of IFS, in addition to similar rankings, more precise results are obtained by considering the optimistic and pessimistic points by including the decision-maker attitude in the functions proposed for C-IFS. The study is a pioneer in the C-IFS literature by presenting C-IFS defuzzification function and a new C-IFS MCDM procedure.Öğe Circular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets in Multi Criteria Decision Making(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022) Çakır, Esra; Taş, Mehmet Ali; Ulukan, ZiyaCollaborating businesses are expected to be mutually beneficial and act as a single entity. It is possible to achieve the goals thanks to the businesses that come together in an industrial symbiosis network. Two (or more) businesses benefit in an industrial symbiosis relationship. The selection of enterprises in which industrial symbiosis can be established is a difficult task due to the different criteria that must be considered. In this study, the assessment of companies for industrial symbiosis is examined. The alternatives are evaluated with circular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers according to the criteria by experts, and a new circular intuitionistic fuzzy MCDM approach is developed. In addition to the existing literature, this study contributes to the circular intuitionistic fuzzy sets by proposing a new score function. This application is intended to guide future circular intuitionistic fuzzy MCDM approaches. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Öğe Covid-19 Geçici Aşılama Kliniklerinin Atanmasına Sezgisel Bir Yaklaşım(Osman SAĞDIÇ, 2022) Çakır, Esra; Taş, Mehmet AliCovid-19 virüsü nedeniyle Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından 2020 yılında pandemi ilan edildi. Çeşitli ülkelerde, Covid-19 virüsüne karşı insan vücuduna bağışıklık kazandıran çok sayıda aşının üretimi çalışmaları halen devam etmektedir. Bu virüsle baş etmek için toplu aşılama çalışmaları yapılmaktadır. Toplu aşılama, aşıları ulaştırma ve süreç yönetimi açısından çok zor ve karmaşık bir iştir. Tüm hastaneler ve diğer sağlık merkezleri insanları aşılamak için kullanılsa da, sağlık merkezlerindeki Covid-19 hastalarını diğer hastalardan ayırmak ve aşıya daha hızlı erişim sağlanması için geçici aşı klinikleri de düşünülebilir. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul/ Türkiye'de yer alan bir ilçenin altı bölgesine hizmet verecek geçici aşı kliniklerinin aday yerlere atamaları incelenmiştir. Problemin doğrusal formülasyonu verilerek, Covid-19 aşılaması için çoklu tesis yerleşim problemi, revize edilmiş sezgisel tasarruf algoritması ile araştırılmıştır. Buna ek olarak, daha uygun maliyetli atama sonuçları incelenmiştir. Bölgenin tüm taleplerinin karşılanmak zorunda olunmadığı durumda toplam maliyeti gözlemlemek için Lagrange gevşetmesi kullanılmış ve ana modelle karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar gelecekteki geçici merkezleri atama çalışmalarına rehberlik etmeyi amaçlamaktadır.Öğe COVID-19 Pandemisinde Tıbbi Atıklar için Yer Seçim Kriterlerinin Değerlendirilmesi(Osman SAĞDIÇ, 2021) Taş, Mehmet AliCOVID-19 virüsü tüm dünyayı etkilemiş ve pandemi ilan edilmesine neden olmuştur. Virüsün yayılmasını önlemek için maske ve dezenfektan gibi tıbbi ürünlerin kullanımı teşvik edilmiş ve hatta bazı yerlerde zorunlu hale getirilmiştir. Bu durum, kullanılan tıbbi ürünlerin atıklarını halk sağlığı için bir tehdit haline getirmektedir. Virüs içerme riski nedeniyle kullanılmış tıbbi ürünlerin bertarafından önce nerede toplanacağı önemli bir karar haline gelmiştir. Yer seçimi yapılırken göz önünde bulundurulması gereken birçok kriter bulunabilir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de tıbbi ürünler için bertaraf işlemi öncesi geçici toplama yeri seçimindeki kriterlerin değerlendirilmesini içermektedir. Bu yerlerin seçiminde kullanılmak üzere on değerlendirme kriteri belirlenmiştir. Kriterlerin ağırlıkları, bir çok kriterli bir karar verme yöntemi olan bulanık PIPRECIA yöntemi kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre en önemli değerlendirme kriterinin yerleşim alanlarına uzaklık olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarının tıbbi atık yönetimine katkı sağlaması amaçlanmaktadır.Öğe Cylindrical neutrosophic fuzzy heuristic approach to locate mobile pandemic test labs(IEEE, 2021) Çakır, Esra; Taş, Mehmet Ali; Ulukan, ZiyaSince 2020, the world is facing a pandemic. In order to cope with the epidemic, the acceleration of the diagnosis process is important for treatment. However, in order to minimize contact with other patients, test centers should also be kept separate from public health centers. In this study, a multi facility location problem is addressed for mobile pandemic test labs to serve people in certain regions in Turkey. Experts in the health sector are asked to make decisions in this process. Considering the uncertainties in human nature, cylindrical neutrosophic fuzzy numbers are used for expert evaluations. According to the views of decision makers, weights are calculated to alternative locations by a fuzzy MCDM procedure. The cylindrical neutrosophic fuzzy heuristic algorithm is proposed for the assignment of mobile pandemic test labs serving the regions to alternative locations. The results are intended to guide future studies.Öğe Cylindrical Neutrosophic Single-Valued Fuzzy MCDM Approach on Electric Vehicle Charging Station Relocation with Time-Dependent Demand(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022) Çakır, Esra; Taş, Mehmet Ali; Ulukan, ZiyaThe use of electric vehicles has been increasing rapidly in recent years. Hence, determining the location of charging stations is a strategic decision. Managements may consider relocating charging stations as demand may change over time. In order to reflect the uncertainty in demand, it is appropriate to use fuzzy expressions. The demands of customers at present time can be calculated according to the criteria determined by using the fuzzy evaluations of decision makers. In this study, the single facility relocation problem for time-dependent demand is examined on finite time horizon. Rectilinear distance is considered. Demands of locations are calculated according to the criteria set by decision makers using cylindrical neutrosophic single-valued fuzzy expressions. This methodology is applied to the problem of minimum cost location of electric charging stations. The time-dependent demands of customers are determined with the help of cylindrical neutrosophic single-valued numbers. The minimum cost of relocating the charging station in a ten-year period is investigated. This application is intended to guide future facility relocation approaches. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Öğe Dairesel Sezgisel Bulanık Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Metodolojisi(Osman SAĞDIÇ, 2021) Çakır, Esra; Taş, Mehmet AliSağlık turizmi günümüzün hızla büyüyen ekonomik alanlarından biridir. Sağlık turizmininden elde edilecek gelirleri arttırmak için tanıtım çalışmaları yürütülmelidir. Bu çalışmaların etkili bir şekilde yapılması için en iyi merkezin seçilmesi gereklidir. En iyi sağlık turizmi merkezi seçiminde çok kriterli karar verme yaklaşımlarından faydalanılabilir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’deki dört alternatif sağlık turizmi merkezinin değerlendirilmesi için bir bulanık çok kriterli karar verme yöntemi önerilmektedir. Alternatifler, uzmanlar tarafından sezgisel bulanık sayılarla değerlendirilerek yeni bir dairesel sezgisel bulanık çok kriterli karar verme yaklaşımı geliştirilmiştir. Mevcut literatüre ek olarak, bu çalışma yeni durulaştırma fonksiyonları önererek dairesel sezgisel bulanık kümelere katkıda bulunmaktadır. Uygulamanın, gelecekteki dairesel sezgisel bulanık çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinin uygulanmasına rehberlik etmesi amaçlamaktadır.Öğe Green supplier evaluation with SWARA-TOPSIS integrated method to reduce ecological risk factors(Springer, 2019) Akcan, Serap; Taş, Mehmet AliOne of the most important agendas of the world is the topic of global warming. In order to protect the ecological balance, all organizations turning towards using natural resources more effectively and not harming the environment. Increasing social expectation, legal regulations, and diminishing natural resources necessitate the dissemination of these orientations in all areas. Enterprises' supply chain management applications are also affected by this situation, and the concept of green supply chain management which reflects the environmentalist perspective has emerged. One of the most important stages of this chain is to find suppliers who care about the environment. Choosing a green supplier is of great importance for both the business and the environment. In this study, 11 environmental criteria were defined for green supplier evaluation and SWARA-TOPSIS integrated method was used to determine the most suitable supplier. Furthermore, a case study for an international yachting company operating in Turkey was also presented in this study. Based on the results of the study, it was seen that supplier 2 was the most suitable among five prominent alternative suppliers, and "environmental management system", "senior management's support and commitment", and "green image" criteria were ranked as the top three criteria among the 11 determined criteria.Öğe Green Supplier Selection Using Game Theory Based on Fuzzy SWARA(Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2021) Taş, Mehmet Ali; Çakır, EsraGreen supplier selection involves a difficult and complex decision-making process because the criteria have a relationship with each other. Due to conflicts, the selection becomes crucial. Likewise, strategies among alternatives are critical to decide the best one. To overcome these difficulties, multi-criteria decision making methods and game theory approaches are appropriate. In this study, fuzzy SWARA, which is a multicriteria decision making method using fuzzy numbers to express uncertainty, and game theory are integrated to select the best alternative according to the vague opinion of decision makers. As a case study, an application is handled for a chemical company which produces cleaning products in Turkey. The selection occurs between two alternative green suppliers. The strategies of alternative suppliers are evaluated using the fuzzy SWARA method, then game theory aid to evaluate competition of the alternatives.Öğe Green Supplier Selection Using Game Theory Based on Fuzzy SWARA(2021) Taş, Mehmet Ali; Çakır, EsraGreen supply chains are supply chains that prioritize nature in every activity and aim tominimize the damage to the environment. Finding suppliers that meet the desired criteria andmeet the company's environmental objectives in establishing the green supply chain is adifficult process. The selection problem becomes more complicated when some criteria conflictwith each other. It is also critical to consider the strategies that alternative suppliers canimplement. Therefore, multi-criteria decision making methods and game theory approaches aresuitable to overcome these difficulties. This study proposes a new integrated fuzzy SWARA,which is a multi-criteria decision making method using fuzzy numbers to express uncertainty,and game theory approach to compare green supplier alternatives. The proposed approach iscarried out in a chemical company that produces cleaning products inTurkey. The manufacturercompany wants to compare two alternative green suppliers. Green strategies of alternativesuppliers are weighted via fuzzy SWARA method. Then, the game theory payoff matrix andthe iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies are applied to compare two alternativesuppliers. The proposed methodology gets a compromise solution. These results are intendedto contribute to green supplier evaluation practices.Öğe Installed solar power prediction for Turkey using artificial neural network and bidirectional long short - term memory(2020) Özdemir, Mehmet Hakan; İnce, Murat; Aylak, Batin Latif; Oral, Okan; Taş, Mehmet AliSürdürülebilir bir kalkınma için yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları önemli bir rol oynamakta ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklı enerji üretiminin payı tüm dünyada hızla artmaktadır. Ülkemiz, bulunduğu coğrafi konumu nedeniyle hem güneş hem de rüzgâr enerjisi açısından büyük bir potansiyele sahiptir. Bu potansiyeli kullanma konusunda henüz istenen düzeye ulaşılamamıştır. Yine de son yıllarda kurulu gücün artmasıyla birlikte güneş enerjisinden elektrik üretimi çalışmaları hız kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin 2009-2019 yılları arasındakikümülatif güneş enerjisi kurulu gücü verileri kullanılmıştır. Bu veriler ile2020 yılı için kümülatif kurulu gücü tahmin etmekamacıylaYapay Sinir Ağı (Artificial Neural Network - ANN) ve İki Yönlü Uzun-Kısa Vadeli Bellek (Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory - BLSTM) yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Kümülatif kurulu güç tahmin edilmiş ve sonuçlar karşılaştırılarak yorumlanmıştır.1.INTRODUCTIONThe energy needs of countries are increasing day by day. As a result of increasing consumption, fossil energy resources in the world are rapidly running out. Nevertheless,fossil energy resources still have a considerable share in primary energy consumption acrossthe world. Primary energy consumption by sourcesin 2018 and 2019is shown forthe entire worldin Figure 1 and Figure 2. As can be seen from the Figures, the primary energy consumption originating from fossil energyresourcesis over 80% in both years.Moreover, Turkey’s primary energy consumption bysources in 2018 and 2019 isshown in Table 1.Hydroelectric energy data are not given under renewable energy in the reference.Öğe Integrated Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Application within An Environmental Evaluation Framework: A Case Study in Türkiye(2024) Taş, Mehmet Ali; Yetgin, Serap AkcanThe selection process of eligible suppliers in supply chains entails numerous challenges under rapidly evolving conditions. Environmental considerations in public discourse, competitive market structures, and emerging technological capabilities influence the decision-making procedures. Rather than the conventional criteria of cost and service, different criteria have more recently been taken into consideration. In this study, presenting a Turkish case study, environmental management, environmental agility and environmental technology dimensions and the criteria related to these dimensions are defined. A fuzzy SWARA-BWM method was implemented in an integrated way to cope with the supplier selection problem. Different scenarios were created and benchmarked. The results of the study indicate that environmental agility is the prominent dimension, while the most significant criterion is delivery speed. The optimal supplier alternative among the four alternatives was identified as A3. This study was carried out to contribute to the examination and modeling of supply chain management issues.Öğe Intuitionistic Fuzzy Selected Element Reduction Approach (IF-SERA) on Service Quality Evaluation of Digital Suppliers(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022) Çakır, Esra; Taş, Mehmet Ali; Demircioğlu, EmreIn the application of fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making methods, criteria weights directly affect the evaluation. The methods in the literature are used to calculate the weights of subjective or objective criteria with various techniques. In addition to these methods, the effect of criteria reduction on weighting can be investigated for fuzzy decisions. This study developed a new method for weighting criteria in decision-making problems in intuitionistic fuzzy environment. The Intuitionistic Fuzzy Selected Element Reduction Approach (IF-SERA) is based on the change caused by the reduction of a criterion in an intuitionistic fuzzy decision matrix. The evaluations of decision-makers are used to determine the overall ranking. The influence of a chosen criterion on the findings is then determined by eliminating it from the evaluation. As a result, the criterion that causes the most change is assigned the most weight. The approach yields results that are directly proportional to the criterion weights. With the implementation of the service quality evaluation for digital suppliers, the novel fuzzy weighting approach is introduced to the literature. © 2022, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Öğe Investigating the Effects of Digital Challenges and Strategies in Post-Pandemic Era on Supply Chain Management(Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2022) Taş, Mehmet Ali; Aylak, Batin Latif; Uşar, Damla DurakWith the recent outbreak of the pandemic, the vulnerability of the global supply chains has been revealed. Significant disruption from both the demand and supply sides has impacted drastically the supply chain operation around the world. There is a growing trend to integrate digital supply chain technologies to make the supply resilient and robust. However, businesses from different industries can face internal and external challenges dealing with technology trends in supply chain management. This study is intended to clarify and analyze the challenges in implementing digital strategies of supply chains whose conditions are constantly changing due to the pandemic. Exploratory research is conducted through an extensive literature review to examine these challenges. The Context-Intervention-Mechanism-Outcome (CIMO-logic) framework was used to determine the digital strategies in supply chains. The analysis study indicated that businesses can face challenges starting from selecting technology and designing strategies to coordination and collaboration with the internal and external supply chain participants. According to the problems defined in the context, digital strategies were proposed with the CIMO-logic framework. The findings of this study can guide industry practitioners to address the challenges in supply chain digitalization in advance. © Peter Lang GmbH.Öğe Investigation of blockchain technology integration within food supply chain management(American Society for Testing and Materials, 2022) Taş, Mehmet Ali; Aylak, Batin LatifBlockchain technologies (BT) began to be used in many areas because of the many advantages they offer. In this respect, BT applications take place in different types of supply chains. One of the areas where blockchain is used is the food supply chain (FSC). FSC is a general concept that also covers different types such as agri-FSC and cold chain. These supply chains need the ad-vantages of modern BT for crucial reasons such as the products' time-dependent nature and direct impact on human health. We evaluate the use of blockchain applications in the field of FSC in order to provide a deep understanding of problems inherent to the FSC and present insights to companies into developing and implementing their own blockchain-driven solutions to address the FSC performance challenges. As the FSC is a complex and dynamic system, where multi-stakeholders are involved, a systematic approach should be established to reveal the BT integration behavior of the FSC. An extensive literature review was conducted within the scope of the study. A critical review of the studies shows which BT applications are used in the FSC chain to drive supply chain performance, their application areas, and main problems in various aspects in the applications. Using the causal loop diagram (CLD) as a system dynamics approach, the interrelationship of causes and effects is visualized and prescriptive information is generated to guide researchers and practitioners in the field of new technology adoption in FSCs in general and BT integration in particular. This study is intended to encourage the use of BT in FSC applications.Öğe Investigation of Green Criteria With Clustering Analysis in Green Supplier Selection(IGI Global Publisher, 2021) Taş, Mehmet AliThe rise of technology in human culture has changed almost every facet of society. Technology is especially useful regarding sustainable development. These technologies can cause significant greenhouse gas reductions and other benefits in terms of logistics and smart cities. New technology applied in this way can greatly help the human effort to restore the environment. Disruptive Technologies and Eco-Innovation for Sustainable Development provides an in-depth look into the new techniques, strategies, and technologies for achieving environmental sustainability through best business and technology practices. The book covers topics such as eco-innovation, green criteria, Agriculture 4.0, and topics related to logic, philosophy, and history of science and technology from the green/sustainable point of view. It is essential for managers, academicians, scientists, students, and researchers in various government, public, and private sectors.