Browsing İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 74
Pilot-scale modeling of colloidal silica delivery to liquefiable sands
(Elsevier B.V., 2015)Passive site stabilization is a developing technology for the in situ mitigation of the risk of liquefaction without surface disruption. It involves the injection of stabilizing materials into liquefiable saturated sand. ... -
A 3D finite element analysis of the modular block retaining walls with corner turns
(Transportation Research Board, 2015)The design manuals for Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil retaining walls include the methodology for various conditions except the case where the wall has curved corner turns. Lately, there has been an increase in the frequency ... -
Numerical analysis of reinforced soil-retaining wall structures with cohesive and granular backfills
(ICE Publishing, 2015)The failure mechanisms of reinforced soil segmental walls with extensible reinforcements were studied by performing a numerical analysis using the finite element method. The numerical approach was first verified against ... -
Comprehensive group pile settlement formula based on 3D finite element analyses
(Japanese Geotechnical Soc, 2018)In the past, formulas for the settlement of group piles considered only a few input parameters and offered only a limited approximation of the actual settlement. Nowadays, however, thanks to the fast-growing performance ... -
Determination of local site soil conditions by microtremor measurements for sustainable buildings
(Proceedings of 3rd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS 2017), 2018)As well known, local soil condition at a specific site affects the significant features of strong ground motion such as amplitude, frequency range and time duration. The effects of site condition depend on the properties ... -
Kazıklı radye temellerin oturma tahmini için yeni bir yöntem
(2018)Literatürde kazıklı radye sistemlerin oturması için verilen ampirik formüller oturmayı sadece kaba bir yaklaşıklıkla tahmin edebilmektedir. Kazıklı radye sistemler için hassas oturma tahmini ancak 3-boyutlu sonlu elemanlar ... -
Kazıklı radye temellerin oturma tahmini için yeni bir yöntem
(2018)Literatürde kazıklı radye sistemlerin oturması için verilen ampirik formüller oturmayı sadece kaba bir yaklaşıklıkla tahmin edebilmektedir. Kazıklı radye sistemler için hassas oturma tahmini ancak 3-boyutlu sonlu elemanlar ... -
Açık deniz yapıları kova temel sistemi davranışı üzerinde tekrarlı yük frekansının etkisi
(2018)Açık deniz yapıları kova temel sistemi davranışının tahmini ile ilgili henüz yeterli bilgi birikimine ulaşılmamıştır. Açık deniz koşullarında temel sistemlerinin ağır tekrarlı yüklere maruz kalması nedeniyle zeminde kalıcı ... -
Comparison of one dimensional dynamic analysis and microtremor measurement results
(Turkish Chamber Civil Engineers, 2019)The deformation level of the surface soil layer due to strong ground motion has a considerable effect in soil-structure interaction problems. The shear strain values of the near surface soil deposits which are calculated ... -
Seismic microzonation of Bursa/Güzelyalı in Turkey: a study on the compatibility of 1d dynamic analysis and microtremor measurements
(CRC Press/Balkema, 2019)Estimation of soil behavior under dynamic loading has great importance in reducing the damage that may occur in an earthquake. For this reason, microtremor measurements were performed in a specific site to define dynamic ... -
Açık deniz rüzgar enerjisi türbinleri grup kazıklı jacket temel sistemi nihai yük taşıma kapasitesi
(2019)Bu çalışmada derin sularda (?35-40m) uygulanabilecek yüksek güç kapasiteli (?5-7 MW) rüzgar enerjisi türbinleri için önerilen yenilikçi jacket temel sisteminin davranışı nihai yatay taşıma kapsitesi açısından incelenmiştir. ... -
Kazık gruplarında eksenel yük dağılımının bulunması için yeni bir yöntem
(2019)Literatürde grup kazıklarının eksenel yük dağılımını hesaplayan analitik bir yöntem mevcut değildir. İleri derecede hiperstatik olan bu sistemlerin çözümü bazı nümerik yaklaşımlarla yapılabilmektedir. Uygulamada ise ... -
New approach to group pile load estimation
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2019)Current literature lacks an analytical method for estimating pile load distribution due to the statically indeterminate nature of pile groups. In practice, such estimations are accomplished by finite-element-based analyses ... -
An investigation on the formation of cracks at the corner turns of the modular block earth walls
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2019)The design manuals for Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls include the methodology for various conditions, except the case where the wall has a curved corner turn. Lately, some problems were reportedly associated ... -
Footing settlement formula based on multi-variable regression analyses
(Techno-Press, 2019)The formulas offered so far on the settlement of raft footings provide only a rough estimate of the actual settlement. One of the best ways to make an accurate estimation is to conduct 3-dimensional finite element analyses. ... -
Optimisation of shear and lateral-torsional buckling of steel plate girders using meta-heuristic algorithms
(Mdpi, 2020)The shear buckling of web plates and lateral-torsional buckling are among the major failure modes of plate girders. The importance of the lateral-torsional buckling capacity of plate girders was further evidenced when ... -
Harmony search optimisation of dispersed laminated composite plates
(Mdpi, 2020)One of the major goals in the process of designing structural components is to achieve the highest possible buckling load of the structural component while keeping the cost and weight at a minimum. This paper illustrates ... -
Matching algorithm for improving ride-sharing by incorporating route splits and social factors
(Public Library Science, 2020)Increasing traffic congestion and the advancements in technology have fostered the growth of alternative transportation modes such as dynamic ride-sharing. Smartphone technologies have enabled dynamic ride-sharing to thrive, ... -
Metaheuristic algorithms in optimum design of reinforced concrete beam by investigating strength of concrete
(2020)The locations of structural members can be provided according to architectural pro-jects in the design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. the design of dimensions isthe subject of civil engineering, and these designs ... -
Radye temel oturma hesabı için yeni bir yöntem
(2020)Literatürde radye temellerin oturması için verilen formüller, elastik bir yaklaşım sağlamakta, temel kalınlığının ve farklı zemin tabakalarının hesaba katılmasına olanak tanımamaktadır. Formüllerdeki bu eksiklikler, ...