Browsing by Author "Deveci, Kaan"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Aerothermal optimizaiton of squealer geometry in axial flow turbines using genetic algorithm
In turbomachines, a tip gap is required in order to allow the relative motion of the blade and to prevent the blade tip surface from rubbing. This gap which lay out between the blade tip surface and the casing, results ... -
An assessment of wind energy status, incentive mechanisms and market in Turkey
Gönül, Ömer; Duman, Anıl Can; Deveci, Kaan; Güler, Önder (Elsevier, 2021)Turkey attaches great importance to energy diversification to reduce the energy dependence on fossil resources. In this regard, Turkey assigned energy targets by 2023 including 20 GW of installed wind capacity. Yet, despite ... -
A CMOPSO based multi-objective optimization of renewable energy planning: case of Turkey
Deveci, Kaan; Güler, Önder (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020)In this paper, a two step multi-objective optimization framework of renewable energy planning is proposed for Turkey. In the first step, optimization process is performed and in the second step a multicriteria decision ... -
Electrical layout optimization of onshore wind farms based on a two-stage approach
Deveci, Kaan; Barutçu, Burak; Alpman, Emre; Tascıkaraoğlu, Akın; Erdinç, Ozan (Ieee-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2020)Electrical layouts have a significant impact on the investment cost and electrical losses of wind farms, and therefore, layouts should be optimized for reducing their share in the project budgets. In this study, a two-stage ... -
A genetic algorithm based multi-objective optimization of squealer tip geometry in axial flow turbines: A constant tip gap approach
Maral, Hıdır; Şenel, Cem Berk; Deveci, Kaan; Alpman, Emre; Kavurmacıoğlu, Levent Ali; Camci, Cengiz (2020)Tip clearance is a crucial aspect of turbomachines in terms of aerodynamic and thermal performance. A gap between the blade tip surface and the stationary casing must be maintained to allow the relative motion of the blade. ... -
A modified interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy CODAS method and its application to multi-criteria selection among renewable energy alternatives in Turkey
Deveci, Kaan; Cin, Rabia; Kağızman, Ahmet (Elsevier, 2020)Combinative Distance based ASsesment (CODAS) method aims to perform multi-criteria selection process according to the largest Euclidean and Taxicab distance with respect to negative ideal solutions. Recently, several CODAS ...