Browsing by Department "TAÜ, Mühendislik Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü"
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
A 3D finite element analysis of the modular block retaining walls with corner turns
(Transportation Research Board, 2015)The design manuals for Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil retaining walls include the methodology for various conditions except the case where the wall has curved corner turns. Lately, there has been an increase in the frequency ... -
Açık deniz rüzgar enerjisi türbinleri grup kazıklı jacket temel sistemi nihai yük taşıma kapasitesi
(2019)Bu çalışmada derin sularda (?35-40m) uygulanabilecek yüksek güç kapasiteli (?5-7 MW) rüzgar enerjisi türbinleri için önerilen yenilikçi jacket temel sisteminin davranışı nihai yatay taşıma kapsitesi açısından incelenmiştir. ... -
Açık deniz yapıları kova temel sistemi davranışı üzerinde tekrarlı yük frekansının etkisi
(2018)Açık deniz yapıları kova temel sistemi davranışının tahmini ile ilgili henüz yeterli bilgi birikimine ulaşılmamıştır. Açık deniz koşullarında temel sistemlerinin ağır tekrarlı yüklere maruz kalması nedeniyle zeminde kalıcı ... -
Açısal dönme tabanlı aktif ve pasif toprak itkisi
(2023)Konsol istinat duvarlarında oluşan aktif ve pasif itki duvarın dönme ve yer değiştirmesi ile yakından ilgilidir. Klasik zemin mekaniği çerçevesinde yapılan hesaplarda duvarın yeteri kadar döndüğü ve yer değiştirdiği ... -
Assessment of liquefaction potential during earthquakes by using SPT-number of blows and two-dimensional finite element analyses
(Springer, 2022)For the planning and design of buildings in earthquake zones with high groundwater levels, the liquefaction potential of the building site has to be investigated and evaluated. In DIN EN 1998-5:2010-12 (2010), the diagrams ... -
A better way of extracting dominant colors using salient objects with semantic segmentation
(2021)One of the most prominent parts of professional design consists of combining the right colors. This combination can affect emotions, psychology, and user experience since each color in the combination has a unique effect on ... -
Beurteilung des bodenverflüssigungspotenzials bei erdbeben mithilfe von SPT-schlagzahlen und zweidimensionalen finite-element-analysen
(Springer, 2022)For the planning and design of buildings in earthquake zones with high groundwater levels, the liquefaction potential of the building site has to be investigated and evaluated. In DIN EN 1998-5:2010-12 (2010), the diagrams ... -
Bir açık ocak örneğinde yamaç molozu akma mekanizmasının belirlenmesi
(2023)On 17 November 2016, 16 workers lost their lives as a result of a landslide in an open pit copper mine in Madenköy district of Siirt province in southeastern Turkey. The main aims of this study is to investigate the causes ... -
Buckling analysis and stacking sequence optimization of symmetric laminated composite plates
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)Symmetric laminated composite plates are frequently used in structural design due to their high strength to weight ratio. The stacking sequence of these laminates is known to have a major impact on the performance of these ... -
Büyükçekmece İlçesi kentsel dönüşüm çalışmaları kapsamında açığa çıkan inşaat yıkıntı atıklarının beton üretiminde kullanımının araştırılması
(2023)Within the scope of the "Urban Transformation" studies that started in 2012, it is aimed to demolish and reconstruct the buildings in terms of earthquake safety. It is extremely important to recycle and reuse construction ... -
CO2 emission and cost optimization of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns using metaheuristic algorithms
(MDPI, 2021)Concrete-filled steel tubular columns have garnered wide interest among researchers due to their favorable structural characteristics. To attain the best possible performance from concrete-filled steel tubular columns while ... -
Comparison of one dimensional dynamic analysis and microtremor measurement results
(Turkish Chamber Civil Engineers, 2019)The deformation level of the surface soil layer due to strong ground motion has a considerable effect in soil-structure interaction problems. The shear strain values of the near surface soil deposits which are calculated ... -
Comprehensive group pile settlement formula based on 3D finite element analyses
(Japanese Geotechnical Soc, 2018)In the past, formulas for the settlement of group piles considered only a few input parameters and offered only a limited approximation of the actual settlement. Nowadays, however, thanks to the fast-growing performance ... -
Cooling load prediction of a double-story terrace house using ensemble learning techniques and genetic programming with SHAP approach (
(2024)Since the cooling systems used in buildings in hot climates account for a significant portion of the energy consumption, it is very important for both economy and environment to accurately predict the cooling load and ... -
Data-driven ensemble learning approach for optimal design of cantilever soldier pile retaining walls
(Elsevier, 2023)Cantilever soldier pile retaining walls are used to ensure the stability of excavations. This paper deploys ensemble machine learning algorithms towards achieving optimum design of these structures. A large dataset was ... -
Data-driven interpretable ensemble learning methods for the prediction of wind turbine power incorporating SHAP analysis
(Elsevier, 2023)Wind energy increasingly attracts investment from many countries as a clean and renewable energy source. Since wind energy investment cost is high, the efficiency of a potential wind power plant should be determined ... -
Determination of local site soil conditions by microtremor measurements for sustainable buildings
(Proceedings of 3rd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS 2017), 2018)As well known, local soil condition at a specific site affects the significant features of strong ground motion such as amplitude, frequency range and time duration. The effects of site condition depend on the properties ... -
The efect of RCA pavements on the liquefaction‑induced settlement
(Scientific Reports, 2023)The use of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) not only reduces the demand for natural aggregates (NA) but also might improve the behavior of soil under earthquake loading. In this study, the behavior of the pavement ... -
The efect of RCA pavements on the liquefaction‑induced settlement
(2023)The use of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) not only reduces the demand for natural aggregates (NA) but also might improve the behavior of soil under earthquake loading. In this study, the behavior of the pavement ... -
The effect of SSI and impulsive motions on optimum active controlled MDOF structure
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)In this study, active controlled ten-story structures including soil-structure interaction (SSI) are investigated under different type of ground motions (near-fault and far ground motions) defined in FEMA P-695 to show the ...