Kurumsal itibar ve hizmet kalitesinin işletme performansına etkileri sağlık işletmelerinde bir araştırma
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Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, sağlık sektörü içinde kurumsal itibar ve hizmet kalitesinin işletme performansı üzerindeki etkilerini ortaya koymak için model geliştirmek ve bu modeli test etmektir. Bu amaçla, kurumsal itibarın alt değişkenleri olan farkındalık ve tanınma, yönetim-liderlik, güvenilirlik, hizmet kalitesinin alt değişkenleri olan empati, sağlıklı yiyecekler, fiziksel özellikler, güven, güvence ve işletme performansının alt değişkenleri olan, rekabet, finansal performans, hizmet kalitesi, esneklik, kaynak kullanımı arasındaki ilişkiler analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında araştırma verilerinin elde edilmesinde, demografik özelliklerle ilgili sorular, “Kurumsal İtibar Ölçeği, Hizmet Kalitesi Ölçeği ve İşletme Performansı Ölçeği” olmak üzere üç ölçekten yararlanılmıştır. Ankete katılan bireylerin verdiği cevaplardan oluşan veriler SPSS istatistik analiz programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, demografik özelliklere ait dağılımlar belirlenmiş, ölçeklerin güvenilirlik düzeyleri belirlenerek, faktör, anova, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Anket çalışması, İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren özel hastanelerin çalışanlarına uygulanmış olup, bu kapsamda 400 kişiye ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmanın analizleri sonucunda, sosyal sorumluluğun, sağlıklı yiyeceklerin ve hizmet güvencesinin, rekabet faaliyetleri üzerinde pozitif bir etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, kurumun fiziksel özelliklerinin ve hizmet güvencesinin, finansal performans üzerinde pozitif bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Buna karşılık, kuruma yönelik olumsuz algıların, müşteri memnuniyetinin ve sosyal sorumluluğun, hizmet kalitesi üzerinde negatif bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
The main purpose of this research is to develop and test a model to reveal the effects of corporate reputation and service quality on business performance in the health sector. For this purpose, the sub-variables of corporate reputation, awareness and recognition, management-leadership, reliability, the relations between the sub-variables of service quality, empathy, healthy food, physical characteristics, trust, assurance, and the sub-variables of business performance, competition, financial performance, service quality, flexibility, resource utilization, were analyzed. Within the scope of the study, in obtaining the research data, questions about demographic characteristics, "Corporate Reputation Scale, Service Quality Scale and Business Performance Scale" were used. The data consisting of the answers given by the individuals participating in the survey were analyzed with the SPSS statistical analysis program. In this direction, the distributions of demographic characteristics were determined, the reliability levels of the scales were determined, factor, anova, correlation and regression analyzes were performed. The study was applied to 400 personnel working in private hospitals operating in Istanbul. As a result of the analysis of the research conducted for this study, social responsibility, healthy food and service assurance, it has been found to have a positive effect on competitive activities. In addition, the physical characteristics of the institution and the service assurance, it has been determined that it has a positive effect on financial performance. On the other hand, negative perceptions towards the institution, customer satisfaction and social responsibility, it has been determined that there is a negative effect on service quality.
The main purpose of this research is to develop and test a model to reveal the effects of corporate reputation and service quality on business performance in the health sector. For this purpose, the sub-variables of corporate reputation, awareness and recognition, management-leadership, reliability, the relations between the sub-variables of service quality, empathy, healthy food, physical characteristics, trust, assurance, and the sub-variables of business performance, competition, financial performance, service quality, flexibility, resource utilization, were analyzed. Within the scope of the study, in obtaining the research data, questions about demographic characteristics, "Corporate Reputation Scale, Service Quality Scale and Business Performance Scale" were used. The data consisting of the answers given by the individuals participating in the survey were analyzed with the SPSS statistical analysis program. In this direction, the distributions of demographic characteristics were determined, the reliability levels of the scales were determined, factor, anova, correlation and regression analyzes were performed. The study was applied to 400 personnel working in private hospitals operating in Istanbul. As a result of the analysis of the research conducted for this study, social responsibility, healthy food and service assurance, it has been found to have a positive effect on competitive activities. In addition, the physical characteristics of the institution and the service assurance, it has been determined that it has a positive effect on financial performance. On the other hand, negative perceptions towards the institution, customer satisfaction and social responsibility, it has been determined that there is a negative effect on service quality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hizmet kalitesi, Kurumsal itibar, İşletme performans, Corporate reputation, Business performance, Quality of service
Akademik Hassasiyetler
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arıkan, Burhanettin A., Karalinç, T. (2024). Kurumsal itibar ve hizmet kalitesinin işletme performansına etkileri sağlık işletmelerinde bir araştırma. Akademik Hassasiyetler, 11 (25), 632-662.