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  • Öğe
    (Scibulcom Ltd, 2022) Cakiroglu, C.; Islam, K.; Bekdas, G.; Apak, S.
    The environmental impact of producing construction materials is being increasingly analysed in the recent years. This study aims at demonstrating the possibility of reducing the carbon emissions and cost of a structure while at the same keeping the structural performance at a satisfactory level. Optimisation algorithms play a crucial role in this process. In this study a metaheuristic algorithm called the Jaya algorithm was implemented in order to minimise the carbon emission and the cost associated with the production process of concrete and steel. As the indicator of structural performance, the ultimate shear strength was used. Optimum values of reinforcement ratio, concrete compressive strength and cross-sectional dimensions are obtained at different levels of the ultimate shear strength. The results obtained through the CO2 and cost optimisations are compared. It was demonstrated that for a given value of expected ultimate shear strength the optimum design can make nearly an order of magnitude difference in the cost and carbon emission.
  • Öğe
    Conclusion: reflections on the trust-transparency nexus
    (Policy Press, 2022) Stafford, Ian; Cole, Alistair; Heinz, Dominic
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    UK: North West England and Wales
    (Policy Press, 2022) Stafford, Ian; Cole, Alistair; Heinz, Dominic
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Comparing cases
    (Policy Press, 2022) Stafford, Ian; Cole, Alistair; Heinz, Dominic
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    (Policy Press, 2022) Stafford, Ian; Cole, Alistair; Heinz, Dominic
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Germany: Hesse and Saxony-Anhalt
    (Policy Press, 2022) Stafford, Ian; Cole, Alistair; Heinz, Dominic
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Making sense of Islamophobia in Muslim societies
    (Routledge, 2019) Bayrakli, Enes; Hafez, Farid; Faytre, Leonard
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Islamophobia in Muslim Majority Societies Introduction
    (Routledge, 2019) Bayrakli, Enes; Hafez, Farid
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Sustainable Finance: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Prospects Preface
    (Peter Lang Gmbh, 2023) Catak, Ciydem; Oner, Mehtap
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Building trust in an age of transparency
    (Policy Press, 2022) Stafford, Ian; Cole, Alistair; Heinz, Dominic
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    The trust-transparency nexus
    (Policy Press, 2022) Stafford, Ian; Cole, Alistair; Heinz, Dominic
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    France: Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes and Bretagne
    (Policy Press, 2022) Stafford, Ian; Cole, Alistair; Heinz, Dominic
    [No abstract available]
  • Öğe
    Seismic microzonation of Bursa/Guzelyali in Turkey: A study on the compatibility of 1D dynamic analysis and microtremor measurements
    (Crc Press-Balkema, 2019) Subasi, O.; Hasal, M. E.; Ozaslan, B.; Iyisan, R.
    Estimation of soil behavior under dynamic loading has great importance in reducing the damage that may occur in an earthquake. For this reason, microtremor measurements were performed in a specific site to define dynamic behavior in terms of shear strain. The study area was divided into square shaped cells with 200m'X'200m dimensions in order to implement the seismic microzonation criterion. Within the scope of microzonation studies, to 75 separate single station microtremor measurements, 7 microtremor array measurements were carried out and 75 boreholes data are collected. These field measurements were analyzed according to the Nakamura Method and estimated effective shear strain. One-dimensional (1D) equivalent linear seismic ground response analyses were performed for the sites where the microtremor array measurements were conducted. The results of microtremor analyses and 1D dynamics analysis were presented by Geographic Information System (GIS) and compared for research area.
  • Öğe
    Circular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process for Remote Working Assessment in Covid-19
    (Springer International Publishing Ag, 2022) Cakir, Esra; Tas, Mehmet Ali
    The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many revolutionary changes in business life. Thanks to the remote working opportunity in some sectors and limited areas, some leading companies were able to continue their activities and aimed to prevent the spread of the epidemic in the business environment. Although remote working is very advantageous due to economic and health conditions, some challenges can also be mentioned in terms of efficient and effective business management. Evaluation of these challenges may enable the pursuit of a holistic management strategy. In this study, the challenges of the remote working method for businesses are evaluated. Circular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (C-IFS), which is a fairly new fuzzy set concept, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is a widely used multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method, are proposed as a novel hybrid methodology. IFS is used to reflect linguistic expressions of decision makers' assessments. The proposed methodology is implemented to investigate the compliance of tourism enterprises with the concept of remote work and to increase the use of the C-IFS AHP methodology.
  • Öğe
    (Istanbul Univ, 2013) Ozalp, Osman N.
    Middle East remains to be the most important crisis region in the world after the cold war. Turkey which is an important part of this geographic region has shown an active profile recently, paralleling her socio-economic progress. During this period it is necessary, more than ever, to have a good knowledge of social sciences and theoretical approaches to the international relations. The international system has become so complicated so that it is almost impossible to analyze the problems without theoretical approaches. In this study, theoretical concepts that were developed for the region have been presented and compared in order to better analyze the international politics for the region.
  • Öğe
    Contribution of galvanic coupling with TiN, TiAlN, and CrN to the corrosion of steel in neutral and acidic chloride solutions
    (Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, 2023) Avci, Burcak; Kazmanli, Kursat; Evren, Burak; Urgen, Mustafa
    The inherent defective morphology of the physical vapor deposition (PVD) hard coatings limits their corrosion protective ability. We examined the impact of nitride-based PVD coatings, including TiN, TiAlN, and CrN deposited on inert substrates by cathodic arc PVD method (CA-PVD), on the galvanic corrosion of carbon steel. Their contribution was evaluated by zero-resistance ammeter (ZRA) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 3.5 wt.% NaCl at pH 2 and 6, with and without aeration. The results indicated the prominent role of the coating type and the coupling environment on the generated galvanic currents. Immersion tests for the TiN-, TiAlN-, and CrN-coated steel cross-sections visually verified these results. The galvanic current contribution was distinct in environments where oxygen reduction is the dominant cathodic reaction. However, the layers' contribution to galvanic corrosion was minimal in deaerated acidic solutions, which is attributed to the high bonding strength of adsorbed intermediates to the coating surfaces.
  • Öğe
    (Istanbul Univ, Fac Law, 2013) Eren, Esra Yilmaz
    The suppression of terror financing is one of the most important measures in terms of struggle against terorism and violance endangering peace. The precautions that are taken against teror financing has been increasing in terms of variety, scope and field of application by the help of institutions like GAFI, UN and EU. According to these improvements, International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism has been adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in resolution 54/109 of 9 December 1999. Turkey has signed this convention in 27.09.2001 and ratified in 10.01.2002, as many countries did especiaaly after 11 September attacks. In order to fullfill the requirement of this convention The Draft Statute on the Suppression of Terror Financing has been prepared and presented to the Turkish Assembly. This draft statute regulates the conditions and procedures on implementation of requirements for International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and also UN Sanctions Commitee decisions, which have been a major instrument used by the UN Security Council for the struggle against Terrorism and also the draft statute system foresees an administrative procedure for the freezing of funds belonging to certain persons and entities that has been on the list of the UN. For Turkey, these decisions have been implemented by Cabinet decisions and this administrative procedure results in the danger of human rights being ignored. Especially this problem becomes particularly serious in the case of decisions imposing targeted sanctions on individuals. These sanctions and also the process by which the decisions on sanctions are reached should be respectful to fundamental rights. Furthermore, individuals have generally limited recourse against the decisions of the Security Council. Given the general lack of judicial review of Security Council actions at the UN level, the targets of these sanctions must generally engage the judicial protection of national authorities. Therefore the Administative court decisions should be evaluated according to the decisions of European Court Of Justice cases-Kadi, Yusuf and Ayadi-that dealt with the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions in the European Union and also human rights protection. This statute constitutes an opportunity to regulate the conditions and procedures of international sanctions implementation in the Turkish law, and the sanctions should be made valid after a judicial review, also the systemizing should be done in a manner that the human rights protection should always be provided.
  • Öğe
    A comparative legal View of the Process Materials and Audit Scope of the Appeal Procedure in Germany and Turkey
    (Kluwer Law Int, 2024) Unal Kaya, Hilal
    In comparison to German law, appeals are still young in Turkey. In Turkey,the courts of appeal only began operating in 2016. There are significant differencesbetween the Turkish and German appeal systems, particularly with regard to the scopeof the search for the truth. The extent to which the Turkish and German appellatecourts are authorized to review first-instance judgments and the point at which newfacts should be admissible on appeal are key questions in this study. The Germanappellate system with its long history will help to answer these questions in Turkish law.
  • Öğe
    Fabrication of electrospun nanofibrous clinoptilolite doped thermoplastic polyurethane scaffolds for skeletal muscle tissue engineering
    (Wiley, 2023) Yildirim, Meryem Akkurt; Sanli, Abdulkadir; Turkoglu, Nelisa; Denktas, Cenk
    The treatment of skeletal muscle, which lost its function with damage or trauma with autologous muscle tissue transfer, is a very problematic approach. Hence, it is critical to develop materials that are mimicking muscle tissue mechanical behaviors and allowing cell adhesion. Polyurethanes (PUs) are one of the most common polymers in tissue engineering applications and skeletal muscle regeneration due to their elasticity and mechanical flexibility. Clinoptilolite (CLN) is a hydrated alumina silica crystal based biocompatible material that numerous positive effects on animal and human health. Here, we report the synthesize of flexible membranes based on clinoptilolite (CLN) doped thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) nanofiber network to be used in the field of skeletal muscle regeneration. We primarily evaluated their ability to mimic skeletal muscle by determining their mechanical properties and cell adhesion rates. We observe that cell adhesion and proliferation increased with the increase of CLN contribution. Young modulus (E-Y) values of pure TPU, 5 and 10 wt.% CLN-doped TPU fibers are 3.66, 2.37, and 1.85 MPa, respectively. Mechanical elongations at break of pure TPU, 5 and 10 wt.% CLN-doped TPU fibers after 37 degrees C treatment (7th day) are 193.41%, 113.30%, and 197.15%, respectively. With the addition of 5 wt.% CLN, the thermal stability slightly increased compared to the pure TPU and 10 wt.% CLN/TPU. In addition, cytotoxicity studies reveal that CLN/PU membranes are biocompatible, and finally cell adhesion increases proportionally to the increased CLN contribution. The obtained results indicate that the CLN/PU membranes can be used as a skeletal muscle scaffold.
  • Öğe
    A Mirror or an Imitation of Power: Areas of Influence emphasized by the Prussian King Frederick the Great in his Letters to the Ottoman Empire
    (Istanbul 29 Mayis Univ & Isam, 2023) Ercan, Huseyin Onur
    One of the practices of international diplomacy in the early modern pe-riod was enumerating the localities ruled and/or claimed by the rulers in the letters sent to other states in order to point out that the exercise of power relies on God's grace (divine right). This practice, which finds its reflex in many languages, was widely used from the 15th century until the 19th century by both Christian and Muslim states. This article examines the question of whether the Ottoman-Prussian diplomatic relations, which became tenser in the second half of the 18th century, re-flected this practice in relevant diplomatic documents. To consider this, five letters of Frederick the Great, who made the Prussian state one of the great powers of Europe, addressed to the Sublime Porte between 1758 and 1762 in Latin, which includ-ed the above practice as a continuation of its historical course have been analyzed. Moreover, the localities enumerated in the letters are compared in terms of area and population using the demographic data of the Ottoman Empire and contemporary German sources on historical geography.