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Öğe Elfriede Jelinek’in piyanist romanında bedensel tabuların incelenmesi(2023) Özkan Işık, Ayşenur; Tekin, HabibSince the 1980s, a proliferation of works have been found dealing with the position of women in society and how the female body is tabooed. One can see how women writers handled issues that had not been possible to talk about until that period. The Austrian Elfriede Jelinek, Nobel Prize-winning author of The Piano Teacher (1983), which this study discusses, emphasized the victimization and marginalization of women in many of her works. This study aims to examine how the tabooing of the female body was made an open subject of discussion in The Piano Teacher and how this novel addressed issues that could not even be discussed at that time. The first part of this study, which has been written under three main headings, discusses the concept of taboo, which has its origins in the earliest periods of humanity and has been an important limitation in the social and societal position of women, while the second part reveals the life and literary experiences of the author Elfriede Jelinek. While analyzing the main character Erika’s psychological conflicts with her own body, the study examines the taboos and masochistic actions affecting the character’s life and body by making use of the concept of taboo as described by Sigmund Freud (1913), the founder of psychoanalysis, in his work Totem and Taboo. The final main part of the work analyzes the taboos in The Piano Teacher under three subheadings. The first is an examination of the character’s relationship with her mother, who plays a major role in the emergence of her bodily taboos. The second subheading provides a detailed presentation of the areas in which these taboos emerge in the character’s life, and the last subheading shows how the social and physical taboos under which the character is trapped are put into action through her younger student, Walter Klemmer.Öğe Natural Elements and Their Metaphors in the Poetry of Ingeborg Bachmann(Istanbul Univ, Fac Letters, 2024) Aslan, Ozge; Tekin, HabibIngeborg Bachmann was an outstanding Austrian author and poet of the 20th century who exerted a lasting influence on literature through her profound and introspective exploration of the human condition in the post-war era. Characterized by intellectual depth and a nuanced understanding of complex interpersonal relationships, her works have positioned her as a significant figure in contemporary literature. One captivating aspect of Bachmann's poetry is her skillful use of nature metaphors, particularly the symbolic representation of fire, water, air, and earth. These natural elements serve as complex metaphors, artfully capturing deep emotional states, the human condition, and the individual's connection to the natural world. Through these metaphysical connections, Bachmann created a poetic world in which readers can gain valuable insights and seek meaning and identity through the interpretation of nature. The symbols of fire, water, air, and earth convey intensely emotional experiences and existential questions, often evoking memories of wartime and the complex relationship between humanity and the environment. Consequently, this study provides a profound understanding of Bachmann's poetry and her ongoing quest for connection to the world. It illuminates the inner world of Bachmann's literary identity, which through her powerful language marked by memories of war, continues to captivate contemporary readers. Bachmann's work thus becomes an important window offering insight into human existence and its interweaving with nature.Öğe Naturelemente und ihre Metaphorik in der Poesie von Ingeborg Bachmann(Istanbul University, 2024) Aslan, Özge; Tekin, HabibIngeborg Bachmann, eine österreichische Autorin und Dichterin des 20. Jahrhunderts, hat durch ihre tiefgehende und introspektive Auseinandersetzung mit dem menschlichen Zustand in der Nachkriegszeit einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf die Literatur ausgeübt. Ihre Werke, die von intellektueller Tiefe und einem nuancierten Verständnis für komplexe zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen geprägt sind, haben sie zu einer bedeutenden Figur in der zeitgenössisch deutschsprachigen Literatur gemacht. Ein faszinierender Aspekt von Bachmanns Dichtung ist ihre Verwendung von Naturmetaphern, insbesondere die symbolische Darstellung von Feuer, Wasser, Luft und Erde. Diese natürlichen Elemente dienen als komplexe Metaphern, die tiefe emotionale Zustände, den menschlichen Zustand und die Verbindung des Einzelnen mit der natürlichen Welt kunstvoll einfangen. Bachmann schafft durch jene metaphysischen Verknüpfungen eine poetische Welt, in der Leser:innen wertvolle Einblicke gewinnen und nach Bedeutung sowie Identität durch die Interpretation der Natur suchen können. Die Symbole von Feuer, Wasser, Luft und Erde vermitteln intensiv emotionale Erfahrungen und existenzielle Fragestellungen. Oft rufen sie Erinnerungen an Kriegszeiten und die komplexe Beziehung der Menschheit zur Umwelt hervor. Diese Studie bietet daher ein tiefes Verständnis für Bachmanns Dichtung und ihre fortwährende Suche nach Verbindung zur Welt. Sie beleuchtet die innere Welt von Bachmanns literarischer Identität, die auch heute noch zeitgenössische Leser:innen durch die Kunst der Sprache, geprägt von Kriegserinnerungen, fasziniert und in ihren Bann zieht. Bachmanns Werk wird somit zu einem wichtigen Fenster, das einen Einblick in die menschliche Existenz und deren Verwebung mit der Natur gewährt.