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Öğe BN İlavesinin Sıkıştırma Döküm Yöntemi ile Üretilen B4C/Al Hibrit Kompozitlerin Mekanik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri(2020) İpekoğlu, Mehmet; Nekouyan, Amin; Albayrak, Önder; Altıntaş, SabriYürütülen çalışma kapsamında, bor nitrür (BN) ilavesinin bor karbür (B4C) ile güçlendirilmiş alüminyum(Al) kompozitlerinin mekanik özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Ağırlıkça %5 B4C katkılıolarak hazırlanan alüminyum matriks kompozit malzemelere ağırlıkça %3, %5 ve %10 BN ilave edilerekve 75 MPa basınç altında sıkıştırma döküm yöntemi ile döküm işlemi gerçekleştirilerek BN-B4C/Al hibritkompozit malzeme üretilmiştir. Kontrol ve karşılaştırma amacıyla, BN ve B4C ilavesi olmaksızınalüminyumdan elde edilen numuneler kullanılmış; BN ve B4C ilavesinin üretilen malzemelerinyoğunlukları üzerine etkileri ve ortalama talaş uzunlukları incelenmiştir. BN katkısının mekanik özelliklerüzerindeki etkisini belirlemek amacıyla, sertlik ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiş; malzemelerin akmadayanımları, çekme dayanımları ve yüzde uzama miktarları çekme testi yardımıyla belirlenmiş vekarşılaştırılmıştırÖğe Effect of BN Addition on the Mechanical Properties of B4C/Al Hybrid Composites Produced via Squeeze Casting Method(Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2020) İpekoğlu, Mehmet; Nekouyan, Amin; Albayrak, Önder; Altıntaş, SabriIn this study, effects of boron nitride (BN) addition on the mechanical properties of boron carbide reinforced (B4C) aluminum (Al) composites were investigated. 3, 5 and 10 wt. %BN were added to Al matrix composites reinforced with 5% B4C and melts were cast by squeeze casting technique under 75 MPa casting pressure to produce BN-B4C/Al hybrid composites. Control samples were prepared without any BN and B4C addition for comparison purposes and effect of BN and B4C addition on the density and chip lengths of the produced materials were obtained. In order to determine the effect of BN addition on the mechanical properties hardness measurements were conducted and the yield and ultimate tensile strengths and per cent elongation values were determined by tensile testing and results were compared.Öğe Mechanical characterization of B4C reinforced aluminum matrix composites produced by squeeze casting(Cambridge Univ Press, 2017) İpekoğlu, Mehmet; Nekouyan, Amin; Albayrak, Önder; Altıntaş, SabriBoron carbide (B4C) ceramic particles were used as reinforcement material to produce aluminum (Al) matrix composites by squeeze casting method. Four different B4C contents as 0, 3, 5, and 10 wt%, and three different squeeze pressures as 0, 75, and 150 MPa were used in which the samples consisted of pure Al without B4C and the samples obtained without applying pressure were used as control samples. To determine the effect of squeezing pressure and the amount of B4C added on machinability and mechanical properties, average chip length and surface roughness of the samples were evaluated and hardness measurements were accomplished, yield and ultimate tensile strengths were determined, respectively. Also, the changes in density and microstructure were investigated. B4C reinforcement was found to decrease the average chip length and density of the samples while increasing the hardness and surface roughness. On the other hand, application of squeeze pressure had a positive effect on the densification and mechanical properties of the samples.