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Öğe Drilling process and resulting surface properties of Inconel 718 alloy fabricated by selective laser melting additive manufacturing(Elsevier B.V., 2020) Karabulut, Yusuf; Kaynak, YusufOne of the challenges is to produce holes with expected dimensional accuracy in metal additive manufacturing. Although post-processing is usually carried out for the additively manufactured components but improving the quality of the holes produced through additive manufacturing seems to be requirement. Otherwise, it is difficult to obtain expected quality for the holes in metal components. Therefore, this study focuses on drilling operation of Inconel 718 alloy fabricated by selective laser melting additive manufacturing. Specimens fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) were drilled using carbide drill bit under various drilling conditions including cutting speed and feed values. The measured outputs were surface quality of drilled hole, surface topography, surface and subsurface microhardness, and microstructure. Obtained results were compared with the results from wrought Inconel 718. This study showed that drilling process helps to improve the surface quality of additively manufactured Inconel 718 by reducing the surface roughness. Besides, increased feed rate results in work hardening effect on the hole surface and eventually microhardness of surface and subsurface increases notably. © 2020 The Author(s).Öğe Heat treatment temperature-induced microstructure, microhardness and wear resistance of inconel 718 produced by selective laser melting additive manufacturing(Elsevier GmbH, 2021) Karabulut, Yusuf; Taşçıoğlu, Emre; Kaynak, YusufAdditive manufacturing (AM) has been becoming more widespread and its usage area has been increasing in various industries. However, the mechanical and microstructural properties of the metal parts fabricated by additive manufacturing requires further investigation. In this study, various heat treatment temperature were applied to Inconel 718 specimens fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) to examine their effects on microstructure, microhardness and wear behavior of the specimens. Moreover, the microhardness and wear response of specimens fabricated by SLM were compared with the wrought Inconel 718. The results provide strong evidence that heat treatment temperature is capable of altering microstructural aspects of as-built specimens. This study also shows microhardness and wear resistance is remarkably induced from the final state of microstructure. Comparative study also provides evidence that Inconel 718 specimen fabricated by SLM can have much higher wear resistance than conventionally produced Inconel 718 if it is heat-treated at certain temperature. © 2019 Elsevier GmbHÖğe Influence of heat treatment temperature on the microstructural, mechanical, and wear behavior of 316L stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed additive manufacturing(Springer London Ltd, 2020) Taşçıoğlu, Emre; Karabulut, Yusuf; Kaynak, YusufA metal component fabricated by additive manufacturing (AM) is generally required to be heat treated to enhance microstructural and mechanical aspects. This present study aims to contribute to the literature in understanding the effect of heat treatment and various heat treatment temperatures on as-built components fabricated by AM. In this study, various heat treatment temperatures were applied to 316L stainless steel specimens produced by selective laser melting (SLM) and the effects on the microstructure, microhardness, XRD response, porosity, and wear behavior were investigated. The microhardness, XRD, and wear response of SLM 316L were compared with those of wrought 316L. The results illustrate that the heat treatment temperature has a substantial effect on the evolution of microstructure, XRD response, and porosity. Our results also support the argument that the effect of porosity on wear behavior is more dominant than the effect on microhardness. It should also be noted that the wrought 316L stainless steel specimen shows much better wear resistance than SLM 316L specimen.Öğe Influence of heat treatment temperature on the microstructural, mechanical, and wear behavior of 316L stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed additive manufacturing(Springer London Ltd, 2020) Taşçıoğlu, Emre; Karabulut, Yusuf; Kaynak, Yusuf[Özet Yok]