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Öğe Investigation of the effect of layered structure on partial discharges in transformer pressboard insulator(Springer, 2023) Uğur, Mukden; Atalar, Fatih; Önhon, N.ÖzbenThe dielectric performance of pressboards impregnated with mineral oil is one of the key points in regard to the quality of the transformer’s working life. Partial discharges (PDs) occurring in the pressboard can cause some insulation defects which might be one of the major reasons for an electrical breakdown. Detection of the PDs in pressboards gives a chance to understand the dielectric behavior of the insulators, hence major defects can be prevented just in early stage. The main point of the study is to investigate the differences in dielectric performance of layered and non-layered pressboards in the presence of PDs. For this purpose, the PD behavior of a layered pressboard with three layers (each with a thickness of 0.5 mm) and of a non-layered (solid) pressboard (with a thickness of 1.5 mm) is examined for two different high voltage levels (20 and 30 kV). To detect the PDs, Hall Effect Sensors are employed, considering that PDs cause fluctuations in the magnetic field. To analyze the magnetic field measurements from a statistical point of view, the Kaplan–Meier method and the Weibull analysis are used.Öğe Manyetik Alan Etkisi Altinda Polimerik İzolatör Performans Testi(Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi, 2019) Atalar, Fatih; Türkay, Doğan; Yıldırımçakar, Arif; Yılmaz, Aysel Ersoy; Uğur, MukdenÇevresel ve elektriksel zorlayıcı etkiler enerji iletim dağıtım hattında yaygın olarak kullanılan silikon izolatörlerin yaşlanmasına sebep olurlar ve dielektrik performanslarını azaltırlar. Mekanik olarak taşıma kolaylığı, esnekliği ve hafifliği ile öne çıkan silikon izolatörler aynı zamanda yüksek elektrik direncine de sahiptir. Bu yalıtkanların yapısındaki herhangi bir bozulma, elektrik kesintilerine neden olarak ciddi finansal kayıplara yol açabilir. Enerji iletim-dağıtım hattı boyunca izolatörlerde, tellerden geçen akımın ürettiği manyetik alanın etkisi vardır. Bu alan, yalıtkan üzerindeki çalışma performansını değiştirecek bir etkiye neden olabilir. Bu çalışmada, silikon izolatörlerin çalışma performansını etkileyen AC manyetik alan, eğik düzlem testinde IEC 60587 ve ASTM 2303 standartlarına göre incelenmiştir. Ek olarak, üretilen bir elektrik alan ve kapasitif etki test edilmiştir. Numunelerin test süreleri, yalıtkan yüzeyinde üst elektrottan toprak elektroduna akan kaçak akım ve yüzey koşulları incelenmiş ve sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır.Öğe Partial discharge detection in pressboards immersed in mineral insulation oil with quantum well hall effect magnetic field sensors(IEEE, 2022) Atalar, Fatih; Dokur, Emrah; Balaban, Ertan; Missous, Mohamed; Uğur, MukdenInsulation degradation may cause inefficient and faulty operation of transformers. The insulation failures in transformers mostly start with a Partial Discharge (PD) event. For both operational and cost reasons to ensure the best performance and functionality of transformers, early detection of PD events is of great importance. In this paper presents a novel PD detection technique by using a highly sensitive Quantum Well Hall Effect (QWHE) magnetic field sensor and compares the findings with an off-the-shelf silicon magnetic field transducer. The investigation of the QWHE for high voltage engineering problem such as PD detection is given first time in this paper. The aim of the study is to detect PD activity in pressboards immersed in mineral insulation oil experimentally using a new QWHE sensor. The measured experimental data from both sensors are decomposed by Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Wavelet Decomposition (WD) methods, and PD signals are analyzed comparatively. The results show that QWHE sensors provide more accurate and noise-free measurements allowing early and more accurate PD detections.