The legal regime of the Turkish straits and the montreux convention
Kayacan, Derya Nur (2020). The legal regime of the Turkish straits and the montreux convention. The legal regime of the Turkish straits and the montreux convention içerisinde 27-44. Verlag Alma Mater.Abstract
This publication is the sixth volume of the series of paperspublished within the SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European andInternational Law. The series is a compilation of articles from authors ofdifferent part-ner law faculties in South Eastern Europe.The Europa-Institut of Saarland University is the leading partner ofthe SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law,together with the law faculties of the Universities of Belgrade (Serbia),Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Skopje (North Macedonia), Tirana(Albania) and Zagreb (Croatia), and the South East European Law SchoolNetwork. The project is supported and sponsored by the German AcademicExchange Service (DAAD) as well as the German Federal Ministryof Education and Research, and aims to promote the outstanding capabilitiesin research and teaching in the field of European and InternationalLaw.The SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and InternationalLaw sets to improve not only the cooperation between Germany andthe South East European countries but also the cross-border regionaland local cooperation in the areas of teaching and research as well asin the development of common structures and strategies. The Cluster ofExcellence seeks to explore new avenues in the transfer of knowledge,as we firmly believe that sharing expertise and experiences willstrengthen the profile of each partner and the network as a whole. Tothis end, the Cluster implements various measures and activities aspiringto achieve the set goals: eLearning modules, a model curriculum, agraduate school, a number of research projects, summer schools, librarycooperation and various publications.This collection of papers is intended to serve as a forum for academicstaff and young academics of the partner faculties in the SEE |EU Cluster of Excellence to publish their research results on relevantquestions in European and International Law. In addition to the traditionalareas of law, specific areas of interest include: the integration ofSEE countries in the European Union, issues of legal reform and implementation of the acquis, best practices in legal reform, and approximationof legislation in the region of South Eastern Europe and the EU.The series is published on a yearly basis and is peer-reviewed by theEditorial Board.The SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and InternationalLaw ⢠Series of Papers 2020 encompasses eight papers from academicstaff and junior researchers from the law faculties in Belgrade, Skopje,Tirana, Zagreb, Zenica and the Europa-Institut. This issue covers abroad variety of topics and illustrates the wide range of subjects connectedto European and International Law. Particular topics in this volumediscuss various civil, criminal and human rights law issues from aEuropean and International Law perspective, including potential humanrights violations during the criminal procedure, general issues ofcontemporary law of armed conflicts at sea and finding the core of internationallaw, to name a few.We thank the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and theGerman Federal Ministry for Education and Research for their financialsupport. We owe special thanks to all authors for their contributions aswell as to Ass. iur. Mareike Fröhlich LL.M., Elisabeth Harvey LL.M. andand Ingrid Sigstad Lie, who made this book possible.We are confident that the SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in Europeanand International Law ⢠Series of Papers will provoke greater interestin European and International Law and contribute to theachievement of the goals of the SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in Europeanand International Law.Saarbrücken, December 2020Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg LL.M., DirectorEuropa-Institut of Saarland UniversityProf. Dr. Thomas Giegerich LL.M., DirectorEuropa-Institut of Saarland UniversityProf. Dr.
South Eastern Europe and the European Union - Legal TransformationsURI