The right to die with dignity how far do human rights extend?
Kayacan, Derya Nur (2022). The right to die with dignity how far do human rights extend?. 1-231. Springer.Abstract
Throughout time, the law has adapted itself to society’s and individual’s needs,
aiming to achieve a balance for harmony. A need to recalibrate this balance most
often occurs after introducing an innovation that affects the lives of all humankind.
The Internet, one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century, presented
several new aspects of social life that required the attention of the legislatures,
such as data protection and cyber-security. It has also introduced new dimensions
of human rights, especially in freedom of expression and the right to privacy. It has
been for the law to reconcile the conflicting interests of individuals with each other
and with society. Another area in need of recalibration has emerged due to medical
The right to die with dignity how far do human rights extend?Collections
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