Bayraklı, EnesÖzdemir, Çağatay2025-02-202025-02-2020191309-60871309-6087 the 1960s, Turkey-European Union relations and Turkey’saccession process has followed a bumpy road. Brussel’s impositions andAnkara’s reluctance to implement EU’s fundamental reforms have beenthe main determinant of Turkey’s relations with the EU. However, thissituation changed drastically with the AK Party coming to power in 2002considering that the necessary reforms to fulfil the Copenhagen criteriawere carried out at an unprecedented pace. Nevertheless, even after 17years, despite the positive developments that occurred during the AKParty rule, Turkey is still not a member of the EU. This article argues thatthis situation is the result of the changing dynamics at both the local andinternational level. In this context, the study examines the accessionprocess during the AK Party by separating in three different phases: 2002-2005 period when the relations improved, 2005-2013 period when therelations became stagnant, and finally 2013-2017 period when the relationswere broken. This article argues that the changes in political dynamics inTurkey and Europe followed by the changes in the international balance ofpower have a direct impact on the fluctuations that occurred during thesethree phases. As a result, it is important to understand the currentdynamics in the Turkey-EU relations.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSiyasi BilimlerUluslararası İlişkilerUnderstanding the Ever-Changing Dynamics in Turkish-EU Relations during the AK Party Era (2002-2018)Article10110.19059/mukaddime.532322355374396337