Çakır, EsraTaş, Mehmet AliUlukan, Ziya2022-01-122022-01-122021Çakır, E., Taş, M. A., & Ulukan, Z. (2021, July). Cylindrical Neutrosophic Fuzzy Heuristic Approach to Locate Mobile Pandemic Test Labs. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.1098-7584https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12846/631Since 2020, the world is facing a pandemic. In order to cope with the epidemic, the acceleration of the diagnosis process is important for treatment. However, in order to minimize contact with other patients, test centers should also be kept separate from public health centers. In this study, a multi facility location problem is addressed for mobile pandemic test labs to serve people in certain regions in Turkey. Experts in the health sector are asked to make decisions in this process. Considering the uncertainties in human nature, cylindrical neutrosophic fuzzy numbers are used for expert evaluations. According to the views of decision makers, weights are calculated to alternative locations by a fuzzy MCDM procedure. The cylindrical neutrosophic fuzzy heuristic algorithm is proposed for the assignment of mobile pandemic test labs serving the regions to alternative locations. The results are intended to guide future studies.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAssignment ProblemCovid-19Cylindrical Neutrosophic Fuzzy SetMulti-Facility LocationMobile Pandemic Test LabZuordnungsproblemZylindrisches Neutrosophisches Fuzzy SetStandort mit Mehreren EinrichtungenMobiles Pandemie-TestlaborKovid-19Silindirik Nötrozofik Bulanık KümeÇoklu Tesis KonumuMobil Pandemi Test LaboratuvarıCylindrical neutrosophic fuzzy heuristic approach to locate mobile pandemic test labsConference Object10.1109/FUZZ45933.2021.9494465N/AN/AWOS:0006987108000652-s2.0-85114662521